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anyone have any experience with N.O. Xplode or any simliar pre-workout performance enhancer?

i've been taking N.O. Xplode for about 3 weeks now and was just wondering what people's opinions on it were.


ive used tons, no xplode, superpump 250, shock therapy, nanox9, white flood, xpand... the list goes on.


by far the best energy and pump is from white flood, but it tastes sooo fuckin gross.


the best tasting (with great pump) is the blue superpump (raz ice or some shit), its maaaad good.


shock therapy is good too.


if you can stomach white flood, go with it.

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do any of the fat burner pills actually work? i used ephedra years ago and it melted fat off, but I can't get it any more.


ive changed up my eating habits and have been going to the gym regularly. so far ive gone from 236 to 221, which means im still a fat ass, but im making progress.


i usually do 30min on the elliptical machine, then lift weights, then walk on the treadmill at a steep grade for 20min, then lift more weights. any suggestions?

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do any of the fat burner pills actually work? i used ephedra years ago and it melted fat off, but I can't get it any more.


ive changed up my eating habits and have been going to the gym regularly. so far ive gone from 236 to 221, which means im still a fat ass, but im making progress.


i usually do 30min on the elliptical machine, then lift weights, then walk on the treadmill at a steep grade for 20min, then lift more weights. any suggestions?


heres what you do ( assuming that youre diet is super in check)


go to cvs and buy bronkaid. it has ephredrine in it, start off with 30mg.

get caffience pills from anywhere.


stack that together. its the best fat burner there is. its called a EC stack, look it up.

take some fish oil pills too, it will lower your blood pressure.


also for fat loss, do HIIT, high intensity interval training, after you work out. it burns more fat and less muscle mass.

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+1 on HIIT


i've used controlled labs fat burners (cant remember the name off hand, but it was an older version, before the night./day pills came around) for the past 2 months and seems i noticed good results initially, but they tapered off in effectiveness.


my friends brother competes and he takes CLA, hydroxycut, hmb, dhea as well as a few other supps when cutting, i cant remember the rest. dont know if its his genetics or his routines/supps, but he is a beast

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scorcese- I'll have to see if I can order it online, I'm in Oregon and you can't get ephedra here without a doctor's prescription, due to all the people cooking teh meth.


well its ephedrine instead of ephedra. when you get it, they just put your name on a list/limit how much you can have. its still more than enough thought. im in ny though.



thats the #1 legal fat burning option.


other than that if you want a premade one.


meltdown by vpx and dren are good. theres a few others too. it depends on your body.

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i dont know wtf a "pro hormone" is. if its more dangerous than ephedra, im probably not down.


its a legal steroid basically. theyre steroid precursors, and convert into the active steroid in your body. they are safe if done right ( just like juice, dont be fooled by the media).


im guessing you dont want to do that though, so just get some meltdown or dren, do some HIIT, eat clean, high protein, (idk what type of diet youre doing so that may be an issue), get good sleep, lots of water, vitamins, hit the weights. youll be fuckin ripped, promise.

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i dunno if its even a diet, ive just quit eating entire boxes of mac n cheese and no longer will eat 2 big macs before i go to bed. im tryin to eat stuff like string cheese, yogurt, sammiches, eggs, and have small portions of stuff of if do eat something unhealthy. i dont use mayo anymore, just mustard, and am now rockin diet mountain dew.

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most likely, just dropping that shit, especially sodas, you'll lose a bunch of water weight pretty quick. you are eventually going to have to go to a small 4-5 meals a day plan with under 100 carbs a day, with enough protein to keep your muscle. most of your calories should be protein (get 1.5 grams per body weight a day, divide this over 4-5 meals) and eat veggies. carbs keep at a minimum if you are trying to cut. i wouldnt cut them out completely, but stick to whole wheat breads, oatmeal, grits, rice, whole grain pasta, etc. when you do eat them.

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In response to Frankie, my max bench was 135kg, only 2 reps the 2nd assisted. After having the flu for the past 2 weeks I have lost so much strength but damaged the treadmill for 35 mins tonight before doing a few weight exercises. I am definitely trying the interval method, it is very similar to the routine that Arnie says about weights in the encyclopaedia of Modern bodybuilding, that has helped me immensely in the few weeks since I read that it is best to do 4 to 6 sets of 75 - 80% of your maximum one rep capacity with a spacing of 1 min between sets. It really does help and I recommend that book to anyone who is interested in learning a trick or 2.

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i want to shock my system with a low carb diet to lose a quick 20lbs. or so in 3 weeks.


anyone have any suggestions or pointers? All I know is no carbs. lol.




what up.


im doing a keto diet right now after bulking for around 2 years.


high fat and protein and < 30 g carbs a day.

it works really well, i suggest you try it.

get some ketostix to piss on to make sure youre in ketosis. depending on what method you choose, you can ether carb up every week or 2 weeks. if you want links and stuff to help lemme know.

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the only draw back, besides maybe fat/salt/high blood pressure/etc is constipation. some people it doesnt effect. but i tried a ketosis diet a few years back, and literally after about 1.5 months with it i was on the toilet in agony trying to shit for about an hour. i finally got everything out after lots of laxatives. i was never in so much pain in my life and have since decided to NEVER go onto a full ketosis diet again. I get good results with under 80-100 carbs a day and have been carb cycling with great results. although, i sort of fell off the wagon a few weeks back due to a little bit of traveling, lots of birthdays, etc.


if i ever do try a ketosis type thing again, i'll still eat a bowl of oatmeal in the morning to keep my insides in line

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the only draw back, besides maybe fat/salt/high blood pressure/etc is constipation. some people it doesnt effect. but i tried a ketosis diet a few years back, and literally after about 1.5 months with it i was on the toilet in agony trying to shit for about an hour. i finally got everything out after lots of laxatives. i was never in so much pain in my life and have since decided to NEVER go onto a full ketosis diet again. I get good results with under 80-100 carbs a day and have been carb cycling with great results. although, i sort of fell off the wagon a few weeks back due to a little bit of traveling, lots of birthdays, etc.


if i ever do try a ketosis type thing again, i'll still eat a bowl of oatmeal in the morning to keep my insides in line


i havent been constipated, but i understand that could happen. i eat the vegetables i can and it keeps it moving. other than that, a fiber pill is good. also, you may need salt on this diet, it also brings your cholesterol down. idk, maybe something you were doing wasnt exactly right.

i dont go too deep into ketosis, im right around trace amounts and small amounts. usually if youre really fat youll go deep into it.

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i was actually really small at the time. around 150... i sort of did it for my woman at the time, to keep her on track with her diet. i notice big differences if say, im used to 60 grams of carbs per meal when bulking, then reducing to say 100-120 grams a day.. i get teh harz pooooperz

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If anyone's looking for workouts, Mountain Athlete will tear your shit up. I'll share what i did yesterday for you all.


Warmup: 10 minutes of turkish getups using 45 lb freeweight


16 sets, reps of 16 down to 1, so starting out:

16 Thrusters @ 95

16 Weighted incline situps

32 Slasher to halo @ 45 lbs


After that i just fuck around the gym doing whatever for another hour. Recently i realized my back is underdeveloped compared to my chest and arms so I'm having to do some catchup.

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do you think keto diet will work quicker than atkins? Im asking because i have a contest on june8 and i need to drop 20lbs of fat...


im not really sure exactly what the difference is between the 2, except ive been told atkins is the lazy mans keto.


id go with keto just to be safe. is it a bb show?

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