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Carlos Mencia gets owned.

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I got the following from someone's post on another message board:


Rogan explains what instigated the confrontation:


So here's how it all went down…

I had a set at the comedy store Saturday night, and after I closed, I was bringing on the next comedian, a guy named Kirk Fox that works for Carlos Mencia.

I introduce him saying that he's a funny guy, and that he opens on the road for Carlos "Menstealia." That's the name we call him at the comedy store, and of course Carlos doesn't like it one bit.

Carlos was apparently in the room when I said this, and the perfect combination of ego and timing made him decide that this was the night to put his foot down.

As I got off stage and headed towards the back of the room, he grabbed the mike away from Kirk, and said that I was too much of a ***** to say that *** to his face.

Which to me is something akin to the hottest girl in the world daring you to *** her while you're standing there in her bedroom naked with a boner.

Of course I had to disagree with him, and I decided to get onstage with him and have this "meeting of the minds" as it were.

On video.


Rogan banned from THE COMEDY STORE


I got a call from Mitzi Shore the owner of the comedy store yesterday, and she wanted to hear my side of things.

I told her what happened on Saturday night with the whole Carlos thing, and she told me that she would try to work it out.

She called me back today to give me a spot tonight at 10pm, and said that Carlos and I would just have to avoid each other around the store.

She asked me what times I wanted to go on stage this weekend, and I said as long as I got on before Carlos I didn’t care. I said thank you, and hung up.

Then I get a call from Tommy the manager of the club an hour later.

He told me that “they” had decided I needed to “take a break” from the store, and that Carlos was physically threatened by me, and worried about me being around.


And dropped by his AGENT....


My agent from the Gersh agency, who is the same guy that represents Carlos, spoke to me on the phone today. He told me that he was being "put in the middle of this thing, and forced to make a choice." He said that Carlos wanted to get on the phone with me and end this once and for all, and get this... wanted an apology.

If I didn't do this, he wanted the Gersh agency to either drop me, or he would leave them.


Oh, and Bobby Lee yesterday posted a video on the tube sticking up for his meal ticket & saying how Carlos never stole a joke from him despite what he said on Rogan's vid & that he thinks Ari must have stolen the joke from Carlos....looking completely nervous and fumbling with his words while smoking a cigarette like super defensive guy from that Martin Short SNL skit. I swear someone was holding a gun on him off camera. :D The videos been taken down since.

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this shit's one of the funnier clips i've seen, it's kind of long but worth watching.

probably one of the most stoned out converstations too..it gets funny after 3 minutes

After 5:00 min, joe rogan starts the cife...they definitely give away too much info about their nug

"son, i'm the king of the black market" -joe rogan

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