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Just a lunch bar.

Bought it established, and apparently it has a pretty good turnover.

Was total shit weather today, as evidenced by the tree getting snapped in the shit the shit thread and horizontal rain, but they still had a pretty decent turnover.

My best mate wanted to open a clothing shop, but he is more of an ideas person, than someone who actually follows thru with them.

I say go for it if you really want to do it, and have the money to invest in startup costs. As I chucked on my myspace "Nobody tries to fail, but some people fail to try". If you want something bad enough, you usually end up with it, or so I try to tell myself, haha.

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Sorry to bore you with tales of my ex metronome.

I used this forum as a cathartic place to vent of how fucked up she used to make me feel. I even had a dream of her last night, I think it is because I am just bored and have WAY too much time on my hands at the moment. But I am over the stupid bitch, she can fuck up her life for all I care, she missed her chance. She fucked with my head, but at the end of the day, I can fuck her head up even moreso. What Dog C posted in the other thread ain't shit on what I have on my ex, but I won't post it on here, as I am not feeling that vindictive (nor am I usually).


dude, all I'm saying is if you were over her you wouldn't be posting stuff like this on the internet. especially after what, over a year seperated?


yeah dude, really sounds like you're over her.

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Apparently the fight from the other night was even more awesome then I remember. I received this MySpace comment today


"you've invented the "superman stomp". it consists of an extremely unexpected leap out of nowhere landing directly on someone's mouth "

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beer i consumed yesterday.....






About to 3 or 4 bottles a piece and when all the good stuff ran out



And a shitload more homebrew......


How worth it is Chimay? Ive seen that shit sitting behind the counter and looking decent but 13$ for like 32 oz or something like that is fucking steep. Unless that shit is the best thing ive ever consumed in the history of my life it cant be worth it.

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The descriptions keep getting better!


PH****: its like you waited for everyone to get there attention off tyler and you leaped like 5 feet ontop of his face


Fuck, drunken fights are amazing...here's to hoping for another this week!


And everyone needs to stop talking about beer, and start talking about vodka

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The descriptions keep getting better!


PH****: its like you waited for everyone to get there attention off tyler and you leaped like 5 feet ontop of his face


Fuck, drunken fights are amazing...here's to hoping for another this week!


And everyone needs to stop talking about beer, and start talking about vodka


Vodka is the worst, when i drink it i can taste the potatoes. LOL



its all about Dr.Pepper and jack Daniels jeahhhhhh.




and from that music video above, i uesd to rack cans like that most i got out with at a time was like 110+ cans.

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How worth it is Chimay? Ive seen that shit sitting behind the counter and looking decent but 13$ for like 32 oz or something like that is fucking steep. Unless that shit is the best thing ive ever consumed in the history of my life it cant be worth it.


Typically the higher end beers are pretty high in achohol content, the blue label Chimay is 9% (or so says my google search) for example. Coors light on the other hand is about 4.2%. So Coors Light is less than half as strong as Chimay. Plus Chimay and other Abbey or Microbrew beers taste so much better and actually get you drunk. I don't mind a Coors light here or there mixed in with shots on a hot day, but by itself I can barely get a buzz off a 12 pack.

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i get hangovers every time i drink...i think it's due to age.

The last time I got drunk I didn't get a hangover.

But I cosign with you on the age thing. Since I am getting older the next day seems to punish me alot worse than when I was a kid.

Cheers for the looking out tango.

Uni is fucking me around with my results, and apparently I can't even get my exam back to see where I apparently fucked up. Time to get drunk while organizing an appeal methinks.


And to metronome, yeah I am still bitter about my ex, but fuck it, she is below my level in every regard. It has just taken me a while to realize it. I am just pissed off that she is moving like 5 minutes away from my house, I'm sure with all the ex drama going on in here ove rthe past week or so you can appreciate why that is an issue for me?

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