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Ghome for the night, anbd all is well


Nothing wild happened except my durnk uncle who live sbelow me tryin to tell me to getr all my friends the fuck out cuz we were "being too loud". After laughing at him and tlelin him to shgut the fuck up cuz it ain't his hgousre, he went inside, I wernt back tod rinkin, and yeah. However, that made me realize I don't really like livinbg in the same house as piece of shit relatives, so I may vbe lookin into anoither apartment tomorrow


For now though I'm home with my delicous 7-11 steak and cheese, and I've got an hour and a half before I hafta go to work, so yeah

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Fuck man, iono what happened last night but I just woke up from a quick nap pretty sober and my ankle is all fucked up, I can barely walk


Of course my job will never believe that coming from me on a Saturday morning, so I'm gettin ready to go in there now and hopefully they send me right back home

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My girlfriend conned her way into my place this evening, which is a good thing - she's cooler than most of you on everything including the drinking. She went to bed though when I explained how tonight was black family comedy night and showed her the Tyler Perry movies I'll be watching.


Shot: Jack (the 5th is almost done)

Drink: Squeezed grapefruit, soda something, absolut mandarin

TV: Independent, upper class black women loving strong black responsible men with ghetto family as back drop. But wait, there are blue collar black men and the rich black man isn't so...classy...

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for TEAM ALPO....



18 of Heiny.



12 of Tecate.


Bottle of Captain Morgan.


+ 2 bean and cheese burrritos .



= Good Times , G'night. ( 5:30Am, CALI TIME)


Mom just came into my room while typing this, she said "Are you just getting home?" lol , Noooooooo.

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I just got back from the city. Went to the ultimate scenester bar.

It was so fucked, there isn't enough booze to keep me at that place.

I don't know why hotties go there, there were so many girbys (girl/boys) and emo fuckers.

I even saw a few Vampires. Seriously. This one dude even had vampire teeth implants. Fucken freaks. I can't say I'll be going back there in a hurry.

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Last night:


6 pack Stella and tall boy of Asahi +i think was taking shots of whiskey+ some herbalz that were the best I ever did have. I was jumping into this three feet deep fire pit just grabbing flaming logs and boards with my barehand stacking them piramid style so the fire would be better.


Turn around next thing I know somebody threw and ottoman in the fire...the foam melted and turned retardedly flammable the whole pit 6' in diameter pit was filled with 10' tall flames. Then it died down and the cops came...


I got tired because of the herbalz went to Dunkin dounuts got a large turbo ice picked my boy and his sister up broght them back to their house where I snacked on freshly homemade chicken noodle soup made from scratch. Passed out on the couch...


I have been riding my motorcycle for the last 6 hours straight completely hungover I feel like shit and I didnt even drink much...

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Yesterday was good to me... Drank a bunch of Makers and some Red Breast(7 or 8 total)... Paid no money... Left my 'tender' a $10 tip for the hook... Apparently there is a picture of me on top of the bar from the last I was in there after hours... Waiting for the email..

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I just got back from the city. Went to the ultimate scenester bar.

It was so fucked, there isn't enough booze to keep me at that place.

I don't know why hotties go there, there were so many girbys (girl/boys) and emo fuckers.

I even saw a few Vampires. Seriously. This one dude even had vampire teeth implants. Fucken freaks. I can't say I'll be going back there in a hurry.


what bar was that?

let me no so i can laugh at the next person who mentions its name

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I was at the Eurobar which wasn't too bad then me and a mate went to Amplifer, and man, fucking vampires!!


I am surprised I didn't have nightmares.


But it was good to go and see so many losers in one place, it really boosts your opinion of yourself.

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woke up, with a msg on my phone from the Police, i think a friend of mine crashed, then left the car but might have left his cell phone not too sure what happen but im not gonna call them back.



Also went to a Cholo party last night loaded as fuck, im far from a cholo but i was dancing with some cholas. hahahah

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