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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear weed people,

stop calling my home phone

i have no idea what you want

i dont smoke it

my girl doesnt smoke it

its not funny that you ring up and ask for your money back

one of these days im going to somehow do a trace on your number, find you and stomp you out

its fucking annoying


tango "cranky as fuck" 24

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear sleeping pills,


please introduce me to your sister.

she is a very extravigant woman with more than a touch of class and sophistication that glows throughout her pressence. I am a sincere gentleman (in real life, im a dick on the internet i know) and I would trat her with complete respect as i would my own grandmother.


best regards,

stay straight with it


p.s. im seriouse, you live in the eastbay this could really go down.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear sleeping narcotics that have people driving in a trance in the middle of the night then waking up in the morning and having no idea that anything happened, that and some murders here and there,


i respectfully appreciate your consideration for introducing me to your sister. I feel you need some time to make up your mind so therefor i will not press the subject, but will infact bring it up at a later date.


thanks again,

stay killa cali the bay wit it

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear easily consuming vast amounts of potent alcoholic products due to heritage,


i am truely sorry for the rude and abruptness of my requests to sleepy man. i ment no disrespect nor did i mean to cause sour or bitter ties. please regard instead that your situation, being location, may make for a relationship hard, if not impossible for dating sleepys wonderfull sister.



nor cal

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Sleepy, ILB, and Stay A Bay Bay



HAHAHAAHA, your back and forth banter was amusing.



- Sneak "Not in the BAY but in the YAY" Creep

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Alcohol,


We is over. The shit that you make me do and the things I say because of you. I know I've abused you, but it's because I love you baby. I mean you make everything so much better. People are funnier, women get better looking, you give me courage when it is needed most and console me when I am down. But that is no excuse for you to give me raging headaches or kill my liver(I have two, but still) or make get me involved with those ugly women or law enforcement or play devils advocate and make me believe I can totally kick anyones ass.

You make me forget so much. I'm sorry, but it's over. We are not good for each other..





P.S. See you later baby..

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