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Dear ________,


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Dear everyone,

Thanks for the support- you really don't know how much I appreciate it <3

Still standing and breathing, and keeping my brother and sister in check and it's doing good.


Non sexual hugs for everyone, I love you guys.



Dear fathers day,

Not really a fan of you cause I don't have that great of a father. However, I hope you GOOD dads had a great time celebrating fathers day!




Dear person who hit my car this morning,

Stop texting while driving! Learn the rules damnit.

Konichiwah motherfucker!



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Dear seyer,


I'm glad you're hanging in there. Massive hug. Seyer, you'rea good soul, it's weird how you can tell from so little but you can. x


Dear dad,


It was tough but I miss you every day and I dunno if the pain will ever stop creeping up in random moments. Guess that's life. I know you'd be proud of the people myself and Lil Bro have become. I love you.


Dear Lil Bro,


i miss you. and I worry bout you every day. But you have grown into the most awesome young man and I am proud of you constantly; you're calm, chill, slow to emotionally react - all the things I'm not. We make a good team and I love you.


Dear TDB,


You're doing good dude. Fair play for not geting mired in all that emotional mental shit this time round.


Dear fingers/brain,


Stop thinking and typing now, it's bed time.


Dear Oontz [again]


whoah, sorry, that was deep. But sometimes this shit needs an out, y'know? Life is weird, and tough, and beautiful.

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dear TDB,


sleep. its good for you.


- inj


dear dog,


elated that you've got just a torn ligament and not hip displaysia. i'll still have to put you down early, but it's better news than a $6000 surgery, like thousands of dollars cheaper.


- inj


dear ex,


i really don't know why you hit me up last night. we haven't talked in 5 weeks, and you're traveling europe, meeting people, living the life. meanwhile i'm trying to save money to start my life again, pay rent and insurance, and considering my loneliness/brokeness. and i want to avoid acquiring more addictions than i already have.


i'm still too afflicted by feelings to be a friend to you and i'm too nervous to say that. i want you and i want the best for you and i care for you like a man ought to and i can't say any of that.


- inj


dear seyer,


give me a call sometime, i miss talking to you.


- inj


dear symbols,


if you're looking for new people to hang with, i am back in ******* for the conceivable future.


- inj

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Dear TBD,

Thanks for the sexual dildo hugs, I kinda needed that. :D



Dear Calicaliguuulaaa,

I'll take the hip thrusting hugs from you without fear. I ain't mad at ya! *tupac voice*



Dear inj,

Promise me that you won't kill your dog. I'd seriously would pay 10k to keep my dog alive.



Dear everyone at work,

Fuck yall



Dear dude,

For an about to be 30 yr old you seem to need to get your shit together soon. And fast.

I also wish you'd recognize how much shit I've done and do for you. "Aint no one gonna love you better!" *insert ghey singing here*


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dear rolf...


well done dickhead! there's the warning you knew fine well was coming...


you do well by not drinking when you put your mind to it, and you don't miss it...


idiot... now get on with life, get a new job, in fact a new career... as there is no building going on... anywhere... join the firies or go offshore... dae something, this joab yir in's pure shite...



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Dear dude,

For an about to be 30 yr old you seem to need to get your shit together soon. And fast.

I also wish you'd recognize how much shit I've done and do for you. "Aint no one gonna love you better!" *insert ghey singing here*




dear seyer


i've found that people are generally who they are by the time they're about 25.

if someone hasn't gotten it together by then, chances are good they never will

this opinion has held up well as i've gotten old(er.)

also, inconsiderate people don't usually become considerate.

good luck with all that








dear me


i'm glad you can still get out there and do it to it,

even at your ripe age



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dear seyer


i've found that people are generally who they are by the time they're about 25.

if someone hasn't gotten it together by then, chances are good they never will

this opinion has held up well as i've gotten old(er.)

also, inconsiderate people don't usually become considerate.

good luck with all that







Dear symbols,

I have a strong feeling that you're striking gold with that point. Though it seems like a lot

of folks I know who are at least 25 or older have not gotten it together. It's pretty scary.



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Dear Decy,


Christ on a fuckin pushbike I miss you. Thank you so much for all the sane you're keeping in me. I didn't expect this to happen but the more I know you the deeper I fall. 2 sleeps. xxxxx


Dear TDB,


You need to cut down the drinking shit dude. And also move out of the conversion with 20 people who seem to delight in being contrary major drunk asshats and proper upset you last night. Curled up on a kitchen counter weeping is not a good look.


You're doing good otherwise, remember that and that you should be proud of the transition you made. You have been through AN INSANE AMOUNT OF SHIT in the last month, not to mention in your life overall, and the fact you're not dead or majorly alkie is something to be proud of. The things you did in the last month alone... woman, you are waaay stronger than you give yourself credit for.


See what happens when you choose booze over paint? EVERY TIME WOMAN. It's insane how paint keeps you out of more trouble than it gets you in. Keep painting, keep sketching, your dreams will come true (I hope).


Dear Oontz,


What's up guys? Whatcha been doin? Please share your worst housemate stories so I can feel less like a superidiot and more like a human.


Dear Sey - more dildo hugs for you xxxxxx

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Dear folks,

Have you ever came across that one person at work that just makes you pissed off knowing that they're in the office? You don't even have to see them- just knowing that they're there makes you wanna bust in their space and ruin their facial with your fist?



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Dear Decy,

Yeah, that's like 95% of my office. I work in a law firm for crissakes, so that's kinda expected, but damn when I first started here a while ago I expected them to have a little bit of class. It doesn't exist with them.




Dear Cilone,

Everyone in my office is at least 15 years my senior. 100% immature overeducated yuppie snobs with no respect. There's one person thats nice enough to talk to me, but snitches since he's the boss's chronie.

Punch them all.


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had a roommate that was actually an informant placed in my house ove 5 years ago. Dude always asked way too many questions, but I never thought twice about it until swat showed up at the door, fully equipped and dressed.


I had a roommate in college in the dorms that was gay, which is fine, until I wake up to the sound of asspounding at 3am and there is no divider in the room. That was extremely gross and awkward for me, not to mention the whole fuckin dorm smelled like shit...


I had a roommate (at two different places, same guy) that had to spend about 30 minutes, i shit you not, clearing mucus and phlegm out of his throat first thing in the morning, and I woke up almost every morning to the sound of ungodly havking and coughing and wheezing. Even when we were an entire house length apart in a 5 bedroom house, I could hear him caughing and gagging and wheezing. Fucking gross to hear everyday, the first thing of the day.


I had a roommate in that was into this 'street art' shit that used to leave at like 10 or 11 pm, and not get home until 3 or 4 in the morning, with ink and paint all over his hands, high from paint, and smoked weed like a fucking chimney, swear to god he smoked like 7 grams a day for most of the time we lived together. This fucker had hundreds of cans of paint, and markers, and stickers and shit, and that asshole ended up getting the swat team called to the house and everybody except one of us got arrested.... (Oh, wait.... one of those bad roommates was me....)



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Dear TDB,


moved into my exgf's apartment when I was about 20. granted it was her spot that i moved into....paid my half of rent for a month..we got on each other's nerves the whole time..i up and moved one week later, never got any of my money back...broke up about a year later..she was a bitch.



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Dear Cali


That idea sounds like gold. When I lived in Cali during the 90s, I was almost trapped into a threesome with two fatties. My friends wife did not let my drunk self go with them. I was too drunk to even realize. It was the end of the night and those two tried trapping me, just like a guy who tries to get a girl in the last last minutes before a club closes.



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