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Dear BBS,


thanks man.

here in NY, your unemployment gets deposited into your

regular bank account like a pay check. so i just use

my regular old debit card. ain't the first time.

i used a booty ass ATM at my old job in JFK.

down in the basement by the workers cafe.

they stole my numbers, made a card and used it.

spent $100 at Mcdonalds then $500 at PC. Richards.


a $100 at Mcdonalds!!! come on...



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dear 12oz. community/team chubb lubb members


please inform me of the origins of team chubb lubb


forever retarded,




Dear RU,


welcome to team chubb lubb!


the origins started when me and micahhawaii were talking about starting a club to represent our love for the fatties.....i think seyer was the one that came up with the name of the club.


2 requirements to join:


1. you have to be a self proclaimed lover of chubbies/fatties/thickies etc.

2. you have to somehow rep team chubb lubb in your signature





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Dear San Jose,



Stop buffing shit rediculously fast. That shot I did last weekend that got buffed within the 4 hours it took me to go back and take a picture? Yeah, that's fucking rediculous. How the fuck did that even happen. Do you have it out for me?


Love, iloveboxcars


LMFAO. that fucking sucks! San Jose is definitely out to get you, dog.

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dear SSN,

i seen this and thought you may enjoy it. please take this as my official token of 12oz. friendship

Love, RU




dear ru,

thank you.

only dif between them and my pugs is that i make

chicken and rice for them and they get to

go on whatever furniture their little heart desires.

spoiled rotten to the core.


<3 ssn


dear ILB,

i fucking hate san jose and

i esp hate sj cops.

<3 ssn

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dear marco,


flicks, or it didnt happen!


i feel your pain on losing weight..my clothes are starting to get a little tighter too.






dear "kristina with a k",


wow....last night was fucking amazing!

i drove all the way home smiling from ear to ear last night.

the sex was fucking amazing, and you are by far the hottest girl i have ever been with.

i am usually into thick/chubby girls, but you gave them all a run for their money...you have the body of a hot stripper...scale of 1 to 10, your body was definitely an 11. you couldve been with any guy there, and ALL eyes were definitely on you, and for some odd reason (that I will never figure out) you chose to hook up with me....i still can't believe it...you were the most in shape girl ive ever been with! I won't forget you any time soon...believe that...only thing is, you didn't give me your number...im sure you probably have a boyfriend.



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