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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear supporters of my struggle,

thanks, it means a lot.



Dear Seyz,

More than 10 years is too much until you're both older and the general pace has slowed. you're still young niggah... act like an idiot while it's still socially acceptable...



Dear Bike,

You're the shit. my faithful steed. keep up the good work.



Dear Life,

you have been extra awesome these last days, and i truly appreciate it. i hope my taking advantage of your offerings has been noted, as i would love to continue on this streak of happiness.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Mud and Odd.

can we trade weather for a few days?

I would gladly take the rain off your hands, and exchange it for 106 degree hot ass sun with a tad bit of humidity and the wind that we do get feels nothing short of a Hair Dryer.


ps. its 9 am almost and 90 degrees out





Dear Good Morning America.

I flip you on real quick, to find that Sean Combs or whatever the fuck his name is these days still hasnt learned to dance or put our any music that doesnt make my skin crawl and shake my head in disgust.

If thats the case..then i should be able to make the billions he does.




ese eme


Have a good day all.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear odd,


welcome back.




dear SM,


good advice to seyer on last page...i was dating a woman who was 15 years older than me, and we met in the middle.




dear seyer,


age is just a number!




dear vitamin b-complex pills,


why are you making my pee turn a bright highlighter yellow color?




dear earl,


you east coast people are lucky...you get to find out what happens on shows before us west coast people do.




dear marco,


have fun in nyc!...wish i could go.




dear ssn,


sorry to hear about you and your man.




dear cg,


wtf have you been eating?...youve got too much gas in your system...youve woken yourself up by farting three times in the past week...and then cant get back to sleep.




dear standardized exam im studying for,


you suck!


and youre taking away from my oontz time....and this is why im behind on posting in this thread.....this shoulda been like 8 seperate posts, but im combining it into one.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Safeway,


can you stop being a terrible depressing place that sucks out what little soul

people that work there have. I mean i know ill be quitting in a couple days


but if you dont change im pretty sure someone is going to clock in with a gun

in their hand and murder everyone.



k, thanks!


p.s- your "chinese" food is mad toxic yo

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cali,


you just made me think of that episode of saved by the bell where jesse was taking diet pills and studying and shit and starts crying while singing 'i'm so excited!'. and it made me chuckle. thanks! now i shall get stoned and snuggle into my wonderful mattress. well, more stoned.


- ramblingpuds

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear mud puddles,


im so excited! im so excited! ....im so...scared.


that was the most emotional episode of saved by the bell ever.


my favorite quote from saved by the bell was when mr. belding thought screech was getting married and he says, "Screetch, you can't elope!" and then screech goes "Who you calling a cantaloupe you melonhead!"





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear tum tum,

You want to have something delicious, greasy and all together

heart burn inducing (thats another thing I want to talk

to you about-when all of a sudden did you decide you

wanted to fail me or whatever and produce heart burn?!

I am too young and good looking to have that happen.)

Me and you pot belly we gotta come to some kinda agreement:

Avocados sans salt-snack-My favorite part about dieting.

Soy nuts-Snack-Need water and lemon.

Breakfast-Oatmeal and agave nectar-fruit. :]

Lunch- Salad.

Dinner- Rice and steamed veggies. It really embarrassing

to admit to myself that this might take some effort that I am not willing to do.

This was once your diet by choice. Then you met

that dude and he corrupted everything with jimboys and inn and out.

Shape up and ship out tum tum. We can do this.

<3 believes in you- B.fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear CALIg,

I've come to that conclusion too that age is just a number. :)


Ps: I've noticed that too when I would take

Vitamin B-complex, but that only happens if I don't

drink enough water. So you might want to drink up a bit lol



Dear life,

I told you things only sucked for that moment.

Life is good again. We movin' on up


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear dumb bitch who can't seem to find a fucking apartment,


you are a fucking idiot. your boyfriend is turning into a fucking idiot. i am so tired of your excuses for everything. do you know how bad i wanted to fucking slap you in your mouth when you told me how much time your loser ex husband spends with his son is "between them". take control of your life. you can you know. but you have an excuse why you don't. your man finally finds a job and it's moving again. muther fucker lost a toe. get a sit down job dude. plus i see him make daily trips to the corner store and he don't look he's got a limp, dude contribute!! and girl, your small child is horrible and yes, it is your fault. baby talk is for babies and i will continue to shoot you glares when you speak to me in any form of it regarding ANYONE. i don't even talk like that to my baby. and she's a baby.


you said in august 2009 that you would be in my basement with your 4 and 12 year olds until school started. school is now almost out and you have 0 plans for moving. you pay me and stay mostly out of my way but goddamn those kids need a real home. use your fucking brain for once and take care of those kids emotional needs. foreign concept, i know.


- me



dear fellow readers,


sorry that has been a long time coming.....


- muddles




dear need to smoke weed,


you gonna be hurtin today son!!


- spnw

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear seyer.

can i come over, i need to rest

lay down for a while


the night was so long

the day even longer

lay down for a while






dear insomnia creeping back,

five AM, out again, triangle walks.




dear everything,


fix yourself please.


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