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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear bfish,

im so super excited for you and now i have an excuse

to buy a new dress.

cali and i will dance at your wedding

and eat your foods.

<3 ssn


dear cali,



sounds like you're becoming like me!

<3 ssn


dear IHU,

you're the cutest crabby crab face.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear first love,

we never went out which makes me sad, the fact that you were too wuss to admit you liked the weird black girl makes you such a pussy. Even more of a pussy move? Making kiddie prank calls pretending to wanna be friends. And you're a wuss if you didn't/wont admit it was real - or that it was you. not only are you a pussy but you're also a douche. You're stalking my best friend who doesn't even like you in any kind of way when you knew i had feelings for you. You're such a big pussy you can't even talk about me when she brings me up. So please, leave my friend alone, she can't stand you and neither can I. hooknosed bitch. Also, don't call me, don't text me, don't look at me. Everytime I see you I want to punch you in your crooked nose. Thanks for leaving me in heartbreak, br0.


Sincerely, blabettyblahblah.




Dear person on ch.0 who keeps calling me,



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear bfish,

you give good advice.

kthnkzbai. haha.

if you come back, i'm still hiding in the cut on aims




dear mastodon,

if your music was a dick, my ears are the pussy.... and your fucking it hard.... super no homo.


but anyrate.... all your albums have been on repeat this week.

especially crack the skye, and this song in paticular.





seabeast, best song + video evar.


- boatyboatsailinindaochin

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear al sharpton,



fuck you.


seriously....youre a sell out. i see you on faux news on the regular when im flipping past the channel...youre on geraldo's show (another sell out), and to make things worse, the guest that is on the show is carlos menstealia (the worst standup comic next to dane cooks bitch ass), and they show a clip of menstealia doing obama in black face.....black face.


and you dont say shit?!?!


black face is both degrading and disrespectful, and i know the entire history of how it started and how racist and degrading it really is....and im not even black!!


grow a spine and a pair of fucking balls and stand up for something, you sell out piece of shit.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Mtv's The Hills----


Sometimes I enjoy watchin' your show about dumb white broads----

I watch it the same way some people

watch nature shows about lions/monkeys/etc etc------


The show has no type of concept

It's always about rumors and bitches cryin'



today for example they had this nigga spencer rockin'

a bunch of crystal stone jewelery to keep the bad spirits away----lol-------weird faggot

then he went off on his sister and made her cry


and how come all these white bitches do is drink coffee and eat salads---???


stephanie pratt scream at me baby----you're the only fine one--------




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Philosophy Professor,

You're an asshole. You knew damn well that by setting the due date for all assignments the day of the final I wasn't going to do shit. Now I have to do all of this hw before next Monday and sure, I could blame that on my laziness but it's much easier to blame it on you you dick. Fuck You,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Sassafrass and Buzi,

Happy Birthday Girls.



I miss you..but im sure you are being loved and taken care of.

Hope you are doing your job of keeping the couch warm and staying under your new owners feet.

Buzi..you became an aunt, again. 7 this time.




Dear Bby Ddy.

Happy birthday to you as well..I put a lil something special in the mail for you yesterday. (well, not to you directly)

You can Thank me in person when I finally get my day in front of a judge and he hands your ass to you.

- Bby Mma

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Bravo,


You run another ad for "Next Week's TOP CHEF MASTERS" before the end of the NEW episode, and tell us who got voted off --I'M GOING TO COME TO YOUR OFFICES GET A LIST OF ALL YOUR EMPLOYEES, MURDER THEM, THEN RAPE THEIR FAMILIES!!!!


Fire your fucking Scheduling manager!



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Girlfriend,


Remember when you were sitting in bed tonight around 11:30 or midnight? Remember how I walked in and turned off the fan and said "This thing is fucking filthy!"?


Remember when I cleaned off the propeller and showed you the cat tail of dust?


Remember when I said "this thing is blowing fucking dust on us directly all night" and you responded with "we live in New York City, we live with that all day" and I responded with "that's bullshit! we have no control over that, this we can control!"


Do you also remember when I came to bed around 1:30 and the dog curled up next to me and I didn't want to move, so I asked if you could maybe drop the fan speed down to low, and you said "no, I'm comfortable, I'm not getting out of bed." And then when I said the dog was laying one me (an excuse you use on me ALL THE FUCKING TIME), you said "I don't care, move her. I'm comfortable with the fan the way it is."?


Oh yeah, remember how I've been brutally sick for the past four days with a sinus infection and chest cold?


Well it's 3 am and I'm sitting on the couch because your stupid fucking fan and it's stupid fucking dust triggered my stupid fucking coughing attack. You better not give me shit tomorrow for hating this fucking planet. Seeing that I HAVE TO wake up at 8am to go pick up the car rental only to then drive 6 1/2 hours upstate. If you even say "you're so grumpy!" once, I'm going to pull the car over and pee on you.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


haha :lol:


Dear Applebees Waiter Guy,


Why the fuck did you just invite yourself over to sit with us? Really?


You asked what I think about Tony Romo and the future of the Dallas Cowboys, and I said, "I think that this conversation might piss me off, and I don't know you."


At what point in my response did I seem friendly? Wait, really? You're hitting on the girl at our table now? You see me playing wingman over here with my homie, and you decide you're just gonna chat it up chatty cathy? You're lucky that cop was sitting at the bar.


Go kill yourself.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear souls,


please elaborate.

you can pm me if youd like.:smiles:





dear cut on the roof of my mouth,


1. how the fuck did you get there?

2. 3 days later, and im still in pain.

3. i cant even eat or drink without feeling you.


go the fuck away.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear souls,




are you effing serious?!


damn bro...you really took team flaming vagina to the next level!!...lol


thats fucking awesome!!...congrats man...put in a good word for me. :)




p.s. dont tell them about the ho money i racked!..lol

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