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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear swindler,


man that forest green aussie paint looks prime for some rOk1T tags




Dear Eon you'd better believe it It's actualyl pretty good paint provides a couple of good greys and a couple of fairly tasty blues etc.


dear ladies in the coffee shop-


there are three of you, and five babies. i promise the rest of the patrons here do not with to hear about your c-sections, youre PPD, youre difficulty conceiving, or your babies poopie diaper. we do not want to hear you say "hooz ah little baybeee wif a poopie diaper?? you?? are you a wittle baybee wif a poopie diaper?? yes you are!! yes you are!!"

i swear if you start public breast feeding im going to throw your babies in the lake.





Dear Edogg I feel your pain I suffered soemthing similar this morning.

I suspect it comes from the fact that when i woman is heavily pregnant they are the centre of the world - people stand up on buses etc "oh my god let me get out of your way"


Then once the sprog comes out everyone is like "oh fuck pls don't get on my bus with that screaming little shitbag"


So they band together in big annoying clumps of babymaking noise oblivious to the fact that in the past at least 20 billion women have done exactly the same thing they've done with very little fan fare.


start throwing babies you have my support



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear suki,


really? thats pretty cool. what all did you do while you were down here?




dear invest,

we hung out downtown area mostly.

idk it was the "weird" funky part of your city,

i like the stickers you guys have that read keep louisville

weird or something like that. also visited a tattoo shop

for a possible tattoo but he was booked.

oh i also went to cumberland brewery where they had really

good chocolate beer and good pub grub.

i wish i had taken pictures.

<3 ssn


p.s. hope you're feeling better in your head and heart

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear suki


i am doin quite better, except for a minor cold aha

thanks a lot though, your very kind

um, the highlands is most likely where u were, as its the "everybody comes here to eat at all our awesome food places and live in our expensive ass houses that mostly gay people own" area of town.


yeah the keep louisville weird stickers are kinda cool. :)



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Tutti Frutti and Wishbone,


I am addicted, I want to buy the whole store.

You are expensive.

Please stop me from walking into the door next time I'm there.

You're dangerous and a threat to my wallet.


Can't stop wont stop,



Dear allergies,

Fuck off!!



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