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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Vulcan,


Fuck man. You fuckin blew it up. Your ballin now!!

Good shit homie.


Dear CG,

I'm gonna take a wild guess that you graduated?

Congrats big homie. You would be so proud of me if we

Were chillin. Team chubb lubb. Full speed ahead.


Dear sey sey,

How are things going?


Dear iPhone,

Thank you for stop being gay.

I can go on the Oontz on you again.





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Bus ride last night,


Thank you for being over just as dude threw up all over himself.




Dear Cali,


Congrats I'm guessing are in order. So congratulations man. You deed it!!!



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear seyer,


Shark territory is crackin.

The first night I came out here

My friend took me to a pool party.

And well let's just say I fell in love.

I've never seen so many beautiful women in my life.

Let alone in one house. But other than that.

Work is doing great. They are thinkin about promoting me.

I still gotta earn it though. Some things I need to work on.

Living situation is really tight. 2 storie condo with hella amenities.

Gym,pool,b.ball court. I'm enjoying everything except the heat.





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Micah,


Damn dude I'm proud of you!

Sounds like you're on that balla status right there. haha.

It's always nice and warm out there. Not much fog like we

do up here in dc. We still gotta chill one of these days when

you come back to the city.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear omni


oh well yeh congrats dog






damn hommie where have you been?

hows life been treating you?


and dont worry foo ill be propping you for days

tryin to get al the oontz hommies to that 11th



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear people in "shark territory",

you are all faggots.

stop calling it shark territory.

more like homo territory, or how about "playoff choke artists" or how about "we think joe thorton is good even though he sucks mad whale dick"

you guys suck.



dear vulcan,

me and my buddy met chuck a month ago.

he's cool as fuck.

my buddy got a trophy from him hahahahaha.



dear co-worker,

ababahahahahaha i'm still laughing.

i can't believe you said.

straight interrupted that lady.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear caligula,

if you got that as a tattoo...

you know those bud commercials about real men of genius?

you'd be the newest one they did.


reaaal men of genius!

this is to you mr. caligula.

you are the one man in the world who gives the fat girls the lovin.

you are a real man of genius.


haha i don't know.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear girl I met on the netz,


Why you always gotta change the subject when

I bring up body type. I just want you to come out and

Say you thick. Little do you know I have an internetz possee

That approves of thick ones such as yourself. So come out the

Shell cause Hawaii oner loves em' thick.




Dear CG,


If you Getz the tat that will be mad dope.

Is it gonna be Tcl or team chubb lubb??



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


yo bbs


you lucky ass niggas ha that fool chuck p seems like hed talk your head off for days about some crazy ass shit hahaha damn




dear Chuck p


just finnished invisible monsters and goddamn nigga your a crazy mother fucka

ima have to start reading survivor now lol i hear its good but ill have to see



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear beer and cigarettes,

we need to break up but it's so hard.

<3 ssn


Dear Suki,


Did that asshole beer hit you again and make you throw up? Let me know I'll fuck dude up. Maybe you need to see other people.. Word.


P.S. That dude Cigs just makes you smell funny. Kimchi and Cigs don't smell good together.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear life


youre fucking awesome right now. school is running smooth, sister is home, visits from grandma, new boy is wonderful, trip is less than a month away. way to go life!!




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear school,


hurry up and be over already....im getting restless.


dear new pioneer deck in my car,


you are nice, but too many functions does not make using you easy.


dear homie,


once i get paid, im calling you for the hook up on some subs....i hope you got some good shit.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear CaliG,

I hear ya on that school being over. I just have one more day, but two finals to go through! ahh




Dear schoolyear,

Fuck yeah! you're almost over with son! Just two more finals and its over till I have summer classes. Fuuuh! Oh well I'll make the best of it.



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