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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear nose.

This open wound thing you got going on in the inside of my nostril… not pleasant. I feel like I have permanent booger in my nose. I keep rubbing and secretly picking but it does no good. Please do me a favor and make it go away.

Sincerely - the rest of your body

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Heat and Oil,


Be fucking working when I get home because cold showers are not cutting it and I want to bring this beezy home tonight and not freeze my ass off.


Dear Gorgeous Italian Girl,


Well sorry I wont have flowers for you tonight. Every place is sold out or the flowers look rotten. I hope my Spa Trip Gift and taking you out for dinner and drinks will be enough to get you to come home with me. I really hope you get naked and sit on my face seriously. Oh yea it would be nice if we started dating and did it on the regular. I think I'll ask you about that tonight. Makes sense your sister loves me your mom loves me you brother only has good shit to say about me shit even your dad wants to hook me up with a tv, whats so bad?


Signed, Juan

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear CALI,


I don't know man, but understand that fat people will be able to eat while waiting in line to eat at all you can eat buffets. They can eat their clothes and shop and get new clothing. Its like my genius will help to stimulate the economy and help this country conquer its recession.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cali,


Please enlighten the IOU..





Dear IOU,


It's simple.....you put a drop of acid (LSD) on postage stamps...and up the price from $0.39 cents to $20.....


people will spend lots of money on stamps....and so as not to let the money they spent go to waste....they will buy more shit to mail people...


thus stimulating the economy.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear CALI,


I don't know about that cuz nobody wants a bunch a fat people on acid tearing up a city block like elephants gone wild. But we could figure something out. SSN needs to be up on this as well.. The Unholy Trinity shall rule all..



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