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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear me,


i hate going into threads and seeing things i don't remember

posting. give your liver a break lady, and stay away

from the computer.





dear sook,

i didn't go to five star without you, don't worry.

but some stripper touched my boobs with her face.

it wasn't as exciting as i would have thought.

magnum 88 will be up here this weekend too, if you didn't see.

maybe we can do something fun, that

doesn't require a lot of money.

i spent too much, and going to seattle in two weeks.






dear magnum,

yes i see...we're excited to see you.

we may be broke, but don't lack fun.

cheap beers, and laughter.


dirt mcgirt



dear irs,

send me my fucking tax refund already.

k, thanks,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Milkz and 88,


So I've been thinking about the "awful awful" for about a year now. The day of redemeption is upon me. I'm dreading work for the rest of the week. On Friday I plan to leave around 8am and just hang around town until you guys get off of work or I might take a stop in Sac and kick it with some friends real quick before hand. I dunno it's going to get crazy. But either way expect me to arrive mid-afternoonish.





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear the people I will be seeing this weekend,


I dont work Friday, so anytime is good for me.

32's of High Life are 99 cents (a case out the door for 12 dollars)... So expect to be drinking that shit all weekend.

Strip Clubs are off limits this weekend, simply for the fact that they are a rip-off and we (Milky and I) got kicked out of one last weekend, and probably are black-listed from the rest of them.

Bring extra money to support me (too many bills added up this week), after all I will supply the house. Unless I get my taxes back or hit it big on slots.

Have fun!

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear blood fart,

Just because there is beer in the fridge, you don't have to drink it all.


It won't spoil over night.

When you are drinking by yourself and Guitar Hero is so emotional that your eyes tear up, it's not a good sign.

I think you should just cut it out.

Stop being an alcoholic.

It's not cute.

And it will ruin everything.


someone who cares

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear traffic court,


please have mercy on my poor soul (literally) tomorrow morning, as I will NOT be giving you any moneys for that ticket.


dear cop who gave me said ticket,


please don't show up to court so I don't have to argue/pay. kthx.



speeding cat

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cali,


if for some horrible reason I have to pay, its 75$, but I'm pretty sure that the universe is on my side for this one, as it was an unfair ticket imo.


dear *** guy,


A friend mentioned something about possibly being able to ask for "court supervision" or something of the nature if I did happen to lose,, so that I would be able to avoid giving moneys away. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear catface and to other whom it may concern,


i dont know where you live and what your local laws are but i know in certain states and certain situations you can do a thing called trial by letter (or maybe its trial by declaration i cant remember) but its where you basically go to court through a serious of letters to the judge and the chances of the officer taking the time to reply by letter is slim. and it also helps your chances if you put it off as long as possible with delays and whatnot. thats what my lawyer told me to do in the future...



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear ssn,


my charges for pimpin are always dropped,

but not the one's for court all

because of a fucking dyke bitch d.a.....




nevertheless, i'm sure i'll be in a better mood

when i get home and have a few brewskis.

until then!!!!


anger managment is needed.


deez nuts

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