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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Bjork and Dizzie Rascal,


I'm really glad I made it to both your shows yesterday and I'm really glad I nearly passed out in the heat in your show Rascal. Bjork you were amazing and your light show (with the dancing lightening men and the fake snow storm) was beautiful and it was great to be really stoned and jamming to your icelandic turnes.


Peace Skag

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Today,


im about to strangle someone...

everything was planned out perfectly for tonight...

many options too..

but everything just seemed to somehow fall apart

and im stuck in the fucking crib not doin a damn thing

and no more green to smoke...

what the fuck...



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear red-headed ginger minus thee freckles-

Thank god we got the movie thing over with. I was not down for you having my movie for another 5 months. I really missed it and am glad it is back with its rightful owner. I am sure you were not paying attention at all to it and you should have. City of god is pretty aesthetically pleasing. Oh well too bad for you. Great for me. I came up on my movie and free ganja.

yea mmhmm woot- Banana on the come up of her own things.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Big Pat, that's because they know you ain't got no e-props so they're trying to

milk you for you're dough..don't go to H&R block, my dood. They're not tax preparers they're loan sharks in tax preparers clothes. Trust me. They want to get a CHUNK of your tax check OR loan you some money when you have to pay back uncle scam. Just find some hood nigga that knows how to prepare taxes if you have some complicated tax steez or just file yourself online if you work a 9 to 5.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear spoof movies,

Who the fuck is going to these and allowing them to continue making another one every 3 months? It should just be legal to fucking gas the movie theater, killing every one in it, every time they start playing some shit like Meet The Spartans or whatever that gay shit is called. There are already too many retards out there, the last thing we need is you motherfuckers breeding and creating more icp listening faggots.

Not so sincerely,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear people that put Barbie dolls in the package,

You sadistic fucks, breaking in to Fort Knox would be easier. Why must you tie down every tiny little piece with invisable wire? Why must you nestle that little tiny bottle of sunscreen in 5 pounds of plastic? Are you laughing at the factory as I pop it out and it goes sailing across the room never to be seen again? Its ok, it was going to get lost in about 5 minutes anyway, or worse, eaten by the kid. I just want to get the damn thing out of the package as soon as possible. 20 minutes to remove all the pieces of the Barbie bathtub while a 4 year old is screaming? You fucks need to be paying me every time one of these damn things comes home from the store.

May the fleas of 1000 camels infest your armpits,

Raw Fish


P.S. Thanks for driving me to drink after a month of sobriety. These beer shits are for you.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Mero,


I wish I could give you my cell number (no homo)


I'd want you to drop me a voicemail and just go off on some shit. It would make things much better when I read your posts online...like, then instead of reading


"MY NIGGA B" in Bruce voice, I could read it in Mero voice...and that just makes more sense.


-Get that get that,




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dear graffiti writers,


please stop taking yourselves so seriously. we write on shit that doesnt belong to us which puts us in the company of toddlers....and well...thats about it. it is very unlikely you will parlay any fame you gain into an art career and the girls you are currently pulling are semi retarded at best. i would suggest you start smiling a little more and realizing that while what you are doing is juvenile it is also fun as shit and should be treated accordingly.


p.s. - you are not a rapper. stop it.


all the best in the future,


boogie hands


thats awesome

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Yo Caligula


you're right

i must have messed something up

probably the Ceaser threw me off, i dont know why i thought what i thought





dear haya-b


yeah...i think lots of people get confused when they read caligula's real name....he was just named after caesar i guess.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cousin-

Hm. You claimed your enchiladas were better than our grandmama's. I beg to differ. That shit tasted like something you got of good housekeeping magazine and you used a can for the chili. I need-int say more. Step your game up mayne. C- for effort.

-Banana fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Doctor,


Thanks for being a nice doctor. Although I wish you gave something that'd help me sleep through the next couple of days.




Dear High Blood Pressure,


Go fucking yourself instead of me.


No love,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear iou,





salt intake





and you wont have to be put on a dieurteic..


had high blood pressure too oner,



Dear Cali,


Thanks. Two of those are easy enough, but not sure where the stress is coming from. I don't guess I better get deep with myself. Maybe anxiety, but I had a hard time explaining myself.


Signed SickRockOner,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cali,


Weed does help, but not always in my budget. I kind of have an idea why, so hopefully I can deal with it.


The visit was kind of funny. I kept trying to sleep while I was waiting.


And some wimmins with a big booty need to wear the panties cuz them jeans be getting sucked into the black crack. Haha..



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