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T.O Attempts Suicide.


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man if you want to kill yourself you usually succeed, there is the once in a while where the bullet misses your brain, the fall just breaks every bone in your body, the rope breaks twice ( i know someone that happened to, the third time he went to the woods and the tree limb broke under his weight and he fell and broke his leg ) and things of that nature. you have to be determined to kill yourself and it sounds like he wasn't, suicide isn't something that people just do they usually think it out and get it right if they don't want to live. It must make you feel pretty shitty to want to die and try to kill yourself only to live and have.

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I dont think he tried to kill himself, seems like he took some pills, his bitch flipped out and shit got out of hand.


He flowed with it, went to the hospital, and will put the best spin on it.


I dont like him, never did, but I dont understand why its such a huge deal..


Guy could take a shit and people would report it on television.

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I dont think he tried to kill himself, seems like he took some pills, his bitch flipped out and shit got out of hand.


He flowed with it, went to the hospital, and will put the best spin on it.


I dont like him, never did, but I dont understand why its such a huge deal..


Guy could take a shit and people would report it on television.

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He had a problem controlling what came out his mouth. This is why he got fired. Its no big secret that the filter between his brain and his mouth is missing.


My guess: T.O. Took a bunch of Vicodin. He was depressed, self medicating, and seeking attention and he overdid it. Probably was drinking on them shits and blacked out. I bet it was an accident.

THE MISSING FILTER got some i wanted to die shit to come out his mouth and the media had a field day.

I bet he regretts that shit. His publicist is already trying to diffuse it

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I think shameless is right. He probably was in some serious pain from his broken thumb. Maybe the cops just put out this report to mess with him..




Damn, man.


He's a wicked athlete, but I never really liked him.


I sort of have to like him now because I'm a Cowboys fan, though.


Dude must have some fucked up shit going on in his life because I doubt a broken finger would drive a man to suicide.

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