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  1. respect goes out to the VRS's, and the older heads like Triel and Tomb who were up back in the early/mid 90's when i lived out in OR. still got flicks of shit from back then somewhere. the tunnels under the freeway used to be burner galleries. Frustr8 used to be up too, maybe more in Eugene though. OR has some nice graffiti on the whole though ... peace to your city from an outta towner.
  2. anybody know how to make it so photos you post up cant be copied? or if you run into those kinds of pics on websites, how to copy them anyway?
  3. TheOh

    Head On!

    US Army-protect the forehead! US Army-protect the forehead! US Army-protect the forehead!
  4. hey Mainter or whoever else might be able to help ... since i tried importing all my preferences and such to a new profile ive lost the ability to copy and paste a single folder or even a document from the old to the new. i can copy but when i switch to the other profile and try to, paste is unselectable. any ideas?
  5. so i get to step 3 and when i try opening the old username folder, it says access denied. i tried to switch the Guest username (the one im using to do all this) to Administrator status but it doesnt even give me that option. do i have to create a new profile to do all this or can i just use the Guest profile thats already setup? on top of all this crap, while trying to copy links last night i completely erased hundreds of bookmarks i had saved. these confounded machines ...
  6. im getting an error dialog box that sez ... Cannot copy NTUSER: It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again. as far as i can tell, ive closed everything. i tried to a USB like shai hulud suggested but i get the same message ...
  7. this should be pretty easy as im not tech savy ... i just created a new username for Windows and im wondering how to import all of the bookmarks, desktop icons, ect. from the old username to the new. any help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. TheOh


    im not sure if thats the one i was thinking of or not. i got one of those controllers that plugs into the TV. its got the original Super Mario Bros, Kung Fu, Contra, 1942, etc. theres all these weird ass games on there too. back to Vice City!
  9. Just For Kicks, documentary on guess what. swear to god if ever start making good loot ima be all up on this shit. check it. oh yeah, second The Worlds Fastest Indian, great flick.
  10. TheOh


    thats the one with the turnip things you pull outta the ground right?
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