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Japan..any questions?


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kool link, i never knew they treated/diagnosed add/adhd back in the 30's.


*edit: shit actually i never knew that methamphetamines were still being used in medicine, apparently yall down in the states can get "desoxyn" which is what that is. its pretty tough to get any kind of amph cript up here let alone methamph. i gotta pretty fair sized dextroamph daily dose(s) sold as dexedrine but they really dont like handing that stuff out. adderall, which im happy to have dex, beleive it or not was outright banned in canada for a long tim. its back now but only extended release. which is wild cause doctors hand that shit out like pez in the states.

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That's food. Or did you make a joke?

Q: Hi ! I live in Indonesia and I heard about a local drug called : 'Shabu-Shabu'. I've read in the paper that the SS contains metamphetamines. I wondered if you know something about SS or maybe about Meta-Amphetamines in general ! Thanks and sorry for bad english :) Vince



A: From what we've heard, 'shabu-shabu' is exactly synonymous with methamphetamine and is a term used primarily in Japan (and apparently Indonesia).

We have a methamphetamine vault available at :







For all you junkies at home, here’s a video about how to brew your own batch of shabu shabu:



Japan doesn’t differentiate between soft and hard drugs.


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  • 3 weeks later...
yeah pylox, im based here in manila and cant find any shop from Japan,,,


will update you on this


thanks man

Do you have any male caps? There's a store in Manila that sells adapters to use with Pylox.

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those Japanese scotch caps are far much better than using an adapter, i tried using that sekt adapter with differentt caps, astro, skinny, pink dot, NY fat and realize nothing much different with using stock cap, unlike the scotch caps that really works, havnt heard any reply from the guys from flatstreet, im trying to look for a contact in Japan so I can import a lot of those caps


Do you have any male caps? There's a store in Manila that sells adapters to use with Pylox.
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  • 4 weeks later...
if you were going to spend a bit of time at a mountain in Hokkaido, other than niseko, where would you go? or is there places down south that get as much pow?


little late so solly

NIseko/hokkaido is apparently the best area for elevation ,snow, but Nagano and Niigata are decent options closer to Tokyo...but..

Sapporo beer museum/garden is pretty dope.

Pretty girls all over.


do you know any online store that sells female caps like http://driphomeworks.com/, those guys from that site aint replying to my emails


I will send you Japanese caps in the mail

for like 100,000 yens and pictures of your mother and/or sister doing octopus porns

or we can negotiate.:lol: :lol:

.:D they show that shit all day here

while we all sniff vending machine panties.

anything else?

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I'm heading to Japan at the end of September and will be hitting up Osaka, Kyoto and probably out to Nara. Anyone got any suggestions on things to do?


I'm going to the Raman Noodle Museum in Osaka because I'd never forgive myself if I missed that shit, and booking in to get some work done @ 'Cat Claw' in Kyoto. If anyone has any suggestions on crazy shit I have to try let us know




(the chicks with the beer and cucumbers make me lol)

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those Japanese scotch caps are far much better than using an adapter, i tried using that sekt adapter with differentt caps, astro, skinny, pink dot, NY fat and realize nothing much different with using stock cap, unlike the scotch caps that really works, havnt heard any reply from the guys from flatstreet, im trying to look for a contact in Japan so I can import a lot of those caps


agreed....scoth caps are the shit. i wish i knew the name of the brand i was using when i lived there but the paint is awesome also.


does anyone know where to get spray paint in osaka. montana or what ever


i wouldnt even worry bout trying to get your hands on fancy euro paint...really their hardware store paint isreally good.

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