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Best Band Bio Ever. (b3 + e)


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Frustrated with the “Lame Old Scene,” San Francisco-area MySpace friends Aaron,

Eric, Erik and Michael got together at the beginning of 2005 to try to start something

fresh. While he hadn't technically picked up an instrument yet, Aaron—already an O.G. in

the Redwood City scene at age 23-and-a-half—had collected so many friends through

MySpace that starting a band was the logical next step. Four private messages and one

$6,000 charge to Mom's MasterCard later, NOFX was born.


Freshly signed to the Careerist imprint under Big High Building Records' “incubator”

program, NOFX hit the scene running late last year with their exclusive web-only single,

“This Blackened Heart.” Michael's impassioned vocals and fluid bass lines, coupled with

Eric and Aaron's searing guitar licks and chilling screams, went straight to the heart of

listeners everywhere, while Erik's dynamic drumming set fans' pulses racing. The

message was clear: NOFX was here to stay—and if anyone had room on a tour that

summer, Aaron's dad owned a van line.


With their recent sophomore release, Screaming Heart, Bleeding Mouth, the NOFX

boys really let it out. Inspired by serious subject matter such as blocked screen names,

late-period Misfits and the SideKick blogs of some famous former “friends,” the disc

finds NOFX waxing poetic while delivering the shape of screamo to come. “Through a

melodious cacophony of delight, we are reaching a vast new audience,” says Michael.

“And with our SoundScan numbers dropping in the Midwest, this year's Warped Tour is

the perfect chance for us to bring the NOFX road show to our target demographic.”




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