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In March of 2006, at a college in Massachusetts, it became clear that massive amounts of diarrhea were being left in one particular bathroom stall on a weekly basis. Intrigued, some select students began checking on a nightly basis to see if the diarrhea was a daily or merely weekly event. It turned out to be daily. The unknown assailant, later dubbed the Diarrhea Bandit, has left his excrements on toilet seats, the floor and even the wall. Interested students began tracking his destruction in hopes of realizing his true identity. To this date there is no proof of who the Diarrhea Bandit is. However, every day he continues to leave a mess for the unfortunate janitors that have to clean up after him.


Join us as we look for answers, answers which will haunt your dreams until the day you die. Until you're stuck into a coffin that's brown just like the diarrhea the bandit has left behind.




As you can see, there is quite a bit of blood in the toilet, the one of few times he actually made it into the toilet bowl. This early encounter led us to believe he had a chance not to make it. Yet somehow he continues on strong...






From what you can see in the picture, this is sheer diarrhea insanity. How was he able to get it ALL OVER THE TOILET?? And all over the wall and floors?! There's a good foot on each side of the toilet that was sprayed. HOW?!?



This one stunned me for a bit. Not only was it the second one of the day, but it looks like he made an attempt to get it in the toliet, yet gave up. It's just EVERYWHERE! The March 30th incident is the only one so far that can actually compete with this one.



Words escape us for this one. We can't imagine the position this "person" must have been in to produce this result. We've all seen him miss the toliet before, but never the entire stall. This is easily the most bizzare entry to date.



This is a rather small strike. While there is no way to be sure, it's possible this was left by a different Bandit. The graphic by itself casts some doubt that this was the real Bandit, since it's all on the seat.




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One of my boys did an upper tanker to someone the other night out of complete randomness because the guy had talked schmack..


It happens, but I kinda feel bad for a guy who has diahrea every single day of the week..You'd think he change his diet up..

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holy fuckin jamole!!


there was a guy at my father's high school (in the fucking fifties)

who used to take a crap in the middle of the floor in the 4th floor boy's bathroom



and never got caught


they called him: THE PHANTOM SHITTER



could i make this up? no way.

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