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sometimes... in a public restroom... THE Piss GAMES YOU PLAY>>>>admit it.


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i open door walk in hit a tag on the back the cubicle door then piss flush with my foot then open door if its empty tag the fuck out of it and then wash my hands and walk out the door to continue life as if nothin happened! after all it only happens bout a billion times in our lives!

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I wasn't in public but' date=' this seems like the place to tell the tale... a few seconds ago I had a 'rumble in the jungle' so I went into the bathroom, I was lifting up the seat and I spontaneously barfed... and that was good because it all went right in the toilet, so... I sat down and commenced to squeezin' when suddenly I sneezed and got all my dump taking done in half a second...[/quote']



Nice man...


i stayed in this hostel in otowa and after some spicie thia and too many shots of te-killya i ended un in this stall to stall crawl back and forth form the puke to the poop stalls... i didnt know if i was coming or going,it was a hectic 45 minutes or so...

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I wasn't in public but' date=' this seems like the place to tell the tale... a few seconds ago I had a 'rumble in the jungle' so I went into the bathroom, I was lifting up the seat and I spontaneously barfed... and that was good because it all went right in the toilet, so... I sat down and commenced to squeezin' when suddenly I sneezed and got all my dump taking done in half a second...[/quote']



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I usually do a 360 misty flip off the toilet seat (especially if a guy left it up beforehand) crouch down crouching tiger hidden dragon style, kick flush the toilet like the rock star I am, then touch everything in sight with my pee-pee hands to ruin the next person's b-room time.

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I always aim for them tiny holes in the urinal and try to hit them all before i run out of urine ammunition.


Also the 'jump the gun' game someone mentioned.


If im so lucky to have a urinal cake I'll also try to bounce my stream off the top of it and onto the back of the urinal. Its pretty hard.

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i normally catch tags,piss all over the stall,fuck a flush unless its a decent bathroom,ive also pressure washed poo out the toilet,im sure everyone has atleast once,also washing hands is a must unless your a dirty fuck

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when I moved to a new elementary school as a child I was confused by the fact that instead of regular urinals there was just this big trough, kind of a skinny bathtub looking thing... So, being already a little confused by the concept I became something of a minor celebrity by 'inventing' the game where you stand at one end of the tub and try to piss over the entire thing, hitting the floor on the other side. This game went on for a couple weeks and as it turned out greatly distressed and offended the janitor who was forever mopping up this big puddle of mystery piss. So, anyway, one day we were all in there pissing over the trough, one at a time, not all at once, and the janitor came rushing in and busted the kid who was at the plate. He also yelled at all of us for encouraging him... so, Matt went to the principal's office and the rest of us went back to class. About 20 minutes went by when the Office Lady's voice came over the intercom demanding my presence down to the office. So, when I got there I was surrounded by a couple bewildered authority types who wanted to know why I had taught all the kids to pee on the floor... I STILL don't have an answer for that one. Anyway, after being kinda yelled at for a little while it was determined that Matt would mop up any piss for the next couple days and I would go back to class but the Principal promised to 'keep an eye on me'. Fortunately for Matt there was no mopping to be done because for the rest of the semester the Janitor would come into the bathroom just to make sure we weren't pissing on the floor...


I told you that to tell you this:


Several years later a friend and I were avidly persuing our dreams to become ninjas and we reasoned that ninjas need to be good at breaking and entering so we headed on over to the school and broke in... We wandered the halls for a while, we were ninjas not vandals, and I felt the urge to shake some dew off my lilly so I went into the bathroom and there was the trough... I'd almost put it out of my mind by this point so it was with a great feeling of reliving my misspent youth that I dropped trou and pissed over the trough once again. I also marveled at how easy it had become since I'd grown up. What had seemed like a mile of porcelain when I was in 4th grade turned out to only be a couple feet when I was 15. It was at this point a little bit of my childhood died and I realized that you can never go back...


This turned out to be one of 2 piss troughs I've encountered in my life... the second was about 10 years ago in a bar. I can't remember if it was a club we played or just some place we went but I know I only went there once. This time there was a bathroom attendant so I couldn't try my trick but that was ok, I was REALLY drunk and probably would have pissed on someone else by accident. The reason I mention this particular trough is because it was black porcelain and filled with ice. It would make piss steam while you went... it was pretty repulsive actually but I kept having to fight a compulsion to stick my hand in and look for a beer... it just looked like everyone was pissing in the cooler. Fortunately I never gave in to temptation so, I've never touched the pissy ice. Maybe before I die... but probably not.

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