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  1. Not to get personal (even though this is a personal thread) but am I the only girl who really doesnt give out blowjobs like lollipops? The guys on this board talk like chicks walk around with "FREE BJS" signs on their heads.
  2. IC Shadow... you are a pervert, arent you? Haha :)
  3. Kudos on the USSR detailing (cept I thnk you wrote "cssr") Al Green. Also the shading on my titties is impeccable. **FunTime: I told Al he made me look like a fat ass. His response "You have a tire for a head, this isnt supposed to be realistic."
  4. I used to be known as the beloved "gatita." But thanks ABC, I also enjoy the nipple detailing.
  5. Yo, Im itching for someone to do mine again. GIVE ME LOVE, OR GIVE ME... something else.
  6. 5 Elements of HipHop: MCing, DJing, Graffiti, Breakdancing..... beating the fuck out of Copywrite.
  7. Copywrite got the shit beaten outof him again at Scribble Jam. That is all.
  8. His teeth are actually really straight, its the way the top fronts are designed. Im thinking about getting 4 bottom fronts just so I can suck my teeth and go "Yeeeeeeeaahhh......" in a really deep, sexy voice. Hahah.
  9. Haha isn't that tinfoil Gliko? You got get some real raw ones like these:
  10. That Mobb Deep shit is old and also pisses me the hell off. But, oh well. If it was a pop rap crew I had respect for (which basically means none except like, Junior MAFIA, Flipmode and Tribe) then I wouldnt mind, but..... 50cent needs to get shot by someone with better aim.
  11. I didnt really believe that whole Weathermen vs Copywrite thing until I heard it first hand from one of the kids who was at it. Apparently there are pix that were floating on the net that my boy took while it was going down. Copywrite and that whole clique sound extremely corny as fuck. I should get my paws on em and post em.
  12. MY FEET ARE ON FIRE. 8 Hours behind a fuckin counter and running around is bullshit. I am never working counter again, Im letting my boss know on Tuesday. Im a fuckin waitress, not a cashier. And besides, Smiths night is on Sundays and I hate missin that shit. Lil story about how corny dudes are: my friends ex has been hitting on me. Said ex knows defjux kats, cage, etc.,etc. So, hes like "ima come in with all of em on Sunday to your work." I told him fine whatever. Of course he shows solo. And tries to spit game on me for 15 minutes. Yo, my friend told me "watch out, hes really smooth" What she should have said was "Hey, did I ever tell you how dumb I am?" Cause foreal, this kid was as smooth as a fuckin porcupine's ass. Lord. Oh, I failed to mention that he had gold fronts on his bottom teeth and smoked Newports. I felt like he was a 6'5" Mero. Haha.
  13. Ive been going out wayyyyy too much this week. I feel like a crackhead, but because its Saturday half of me feels like I should be going out. Last night I went to a friends party at this bar in the LES. Shit was hilarious, a huge fight btwn some graf kids started and suddenly the needle pulled off the record, a birthday cake came out of no where, people started singing happy birthday and the fight dispersed. All simultaneously and in a matter of 5 seconds. It was straight Twilight Zone material. One minute Im dodging a dude being thrown at me, the next Im singing "Happy Birthday" to some kid I dont even know. Word.
  14. Yo I want chinese food now... mmm. Yeh Positive Tension is my jam.
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