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what's the craziest looking animal?


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Guest R@ndomH3ro


fuckin' ugly dog..what's wrong with him? he has cancer




Thats just the way that his breed looks. Its a Chinese Crested Hairless dog. That dog died not to long ago.

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The first one I ran into made me flip the fuck out. It's a seriously confusing experience, this thing floating in the middle of the water with the craziest fucking colors swirling around, it looks absolutely unreal and it takes some time to understand what you're looking at.




Pictures don't do it justice. Imagine all those spots and stains travelling all over the body at variable speeds, the whole thing disappearing in front of you except for the eyes, then the two disembodied eyeballs move ahead a few feet and boom, there it shows up again with the swirling colors. It's fucking crazy.


i used a cuttlefish as live bait today. it got smashed (but no hookup):o incase you were wondering

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Re: what's the craziest looking animal?


^Sweet, where/what were you fishing for? Cuttlefish as live bait sounds like a pretty interesting event.


I once spearfished a tropical reef squid for the same reason (well, not live bait, but bait nonetheless). They're not quite as crazy as cuttlefish but they're still pretty insane looking. I remember seeing the shape floating in space, then just thinking how great it'd be to drive a huge metal rod into it (no beastie. I have to say "no beastie" because I am a robot and it may be misconstrued). So I went for it and the entire world went black. It literally exploded in a HUGE cloud of ink that was way larger than I thought possible, I couldn't tell which way was up. Eventually I got to the surface and held it out the water, and this thing was spewing ink out like a supersoaker, it was crazy.


We caught a couple good groupers with it later. And one of those fish you catch that you have no idea what it is and can't find out from anyone and nobody knows if you can eat it so you keep it and it stays in your fridge for 4 months until you finally realize that it will never be eaten and you throw it out pissed at the fact that you kept it around for 4 months.

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^Sweet, where/what were you fishing for? Cuttlefish as live bait sounds like a pretty interesting event.


I once spearfished a tropical reef squid for the same reason (well, not live bait, but bait nonetheless). They're not quite as crazy as cuttlefish but they're still pretty insane looking. I remember seeing the shape floating in space, then just thinking how great it'd be to drive a huge metal rod into it (no beastie. I have to say "no beastie" because I am a robot and it may be misconstrued). So I went for it and the entire world went black. It literally exploded in a HUGE cloud of ink that was way larger than I thought possible, I couldn't tell which way was up. Eventually I got to the surface and held it out the water, and this thing was spewing ink out like a supersoaker, it was crazy.


We caught a couple good groupers with it later. And one of those fish you catch that you have no idea what it is and can't find out from anyone and nobody knows if you can eat it so you keep it and it stays in your fridge for 4 months until you finally realize that it will never be eaten and you throw it out pissed at the fact that you kept it around for 4 months.


Fishing in sydney harbour for kingfish - Check out the fishing thread in a few minutes when i've bumped it


haha, a squid got me BADLY today. i was netting it and the next thing I knew i was being laughed at because my face, pants and hoodie was covered in black slime.

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Re: what's the craziest looking animal?


i thought it was gonna be a child or something... i would have let the snake digest that shit



also,, i've been kicked my an EMU... i saw this big blue rock at the zoo and through the fence i started to poke at it.. it just looked too strange.. then the emu came outa nowhere; kicked and knocked me down... the though of "oh, thats an egg" came to me


true story

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