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I wanna see your...........PETS!

Zack Morris

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props oliver when i can.

props to kobe as well, awesome photo looks like he just seen something crazy like a fat girl bendin over and showin some crater crack.


awesome fucking puppy! so cute.

and awesome dog, everyone in this thread is awesome, and has awesome pets.

especially that one dude who killed this thread with cuteness with the dog and cat.

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So today I took my pup to the park down the street like I do every morning. However today I show up to find 6 pit pups (maybe 6 weeks if that) that had been thrown over the fence some time during the night. In a few short hours I think I have found homes for three maybe four of them. If any of you live in the PHX area and may want to give one a home or no someone who does, get at me. They won't last a week if they go to the pound.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ahah thats horrible^^^AHAHAH


Dakota in the bottom left. I became her most feared being because I took clippers to her and shaved her horribly thick mutt fur hahaha, she was shivering in a corner while being cut in my bathroom. It had to be done. And desi in the top right, my squirrel hunter, chipmunk killer, and mouse slayer. Shes a pretty mutt and shes such a hunter. I died laughing the other day because she leaped from a moving truck (on our property) barrel rolled, then darted after a squirrel. Not to mention she clipped a tree with her hip and dove into thick bush without hesitation. It was lolz.



Addy not my boxer mutt but my sisters. She spends enough time at my place to make her mine. Cutiest damn thing in the world. When shes happy she "smiles." Scares people because shell wage her tail and show all her teeth when excited.


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