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I wanna see your...........PETS!

Zack Morris

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small claims court is cheap thats why there is a small claims court.

you don't need a lawyer just pay some money to have a hearing.

provide pictures and the dates missing and get your dog back.


you're a little too laid back

if someone took my dog they'd get a punch to the grill.

case closed

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


it sucks, i know


the last thing i need right now is a court summon, and even if i had a case with a chance of winning, i dont have the funds to be taking this to small claims court


yet another reason in lfe for my stupid signature from the outsiders


This is why you go steal it. Just let it off the leash real quick and just bolt and see if it follows you while you run away yelling LOLOLOLOLLOLOLLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


here's my dog, Tiger, I had since i was 5 years old.. he just died this past february on valentine's day

sry to hear that man

i had a beagle before H that died of a tumor. i know the feeling, to rather have seniors get mowed down by a firing squad than seeing your dog suffer. at least dogs dont grow into child molesters/rapists/& the like


RIP tiger

RIP katie


small claims court is cheap

you're a little too laid back

if someone took my dog they'd get a punch to the grill

case closed

believe me, the feeling is there. it loops into the dilemma of a court summon though. the first couple of times he was missing for a few days, wed go through the motion of contacting the missing animal shelters, etc. after being conditioned to him running away and returning within a day/two, we got caught slippng. basically we have no say because he is legally theirs


yes it was stupid/i regret assuming the best case scenario

im planning a little follow-up on his life when i can

ill let the oonterz know if i had to punch someone in the adams apple because they did not know how to appreciate the unconditional love of a dog

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I found my dog on the side of the road. I was walking him once, and some hood ass kid ran up and was like, "That's my dog!!!!" He proceeded to tell me that King understood spanish, and started giving him commands, the entire time King just ignored him, and looked at me like, what the fuck did he just call me?. He then tried to tell me that I could have one of the puppies when he mated King. I Lol'd And when I was done Loling, I told him that he could try to take him from me, But I could assure him that would never happen. He gave me his timeline for when he lost his dog, and I was already in posession of my man for a few months at that point. Basically he saw the size of King's dome and wanted him as his own. Luckily for me, King just got his Schutzhund 2 title, and when I say bite, he bites.

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how demanding is it to train a dog for a schutzhund title?

i'm saying, since he's started does he have to continue to practice or is it always with him now when you say commands?


well i guess that's a dumb question because when you tell a dog to sit every time, it sits

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NO! It is not a dumb question at all. Just like anything else, a dog will stop sitting if it stops seeing a reward, or even if it stops hearing the command. And Schutzhund is very demanding, if you want to take it very seriously. I'm a dog trainer, so my dogs are with me all day, so they're being trained all day. the more consistent you are with training, and the more you actually train, the better your dog will do with it. that being said, not every dog CAN do Schutzhund. Some dogs genetically just aren't meant for that type of grueling work, they have no motivation for it.


But basically, yes, you have to continuously brush up their skills if you want them to do complicated tasks everytime you tell them.

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how did you get into training?


i'm just wondering with these questions because i plan on owning a rottweiler and i know from the beginning you have to be very strict with them or they'll always be running their own show

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Thta's true and it isn't. I got into training dogs by having a lot of dogs, and being very, VERY persistent with a local trainer in my area. The first time you tell any serious trainer you will probably get the brush off. Dont take it to heart. I'm ctually not sure if you wanna become a trainer, so I won't go into it all, but Pm me if you want some good tips on becoming a trainer.

Back to your rottweiler, They are great dogs, especially for schutzhund. Maintaining yourself as the "Pack Leader," the way you're supposed to, actually involves a lot more than most people are willing to do.


You should check out this site, and you will find all sorts of good info. Keep in mind that this site is not exactly how I train dogs, but i do like some of this guys advice.



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You're just gunna let someone have your dog because they adopted it legally from the pound? The fuck? Take that shit back


When I was a kid my dog Jeep took off for awhile (which he always did), but didn't come home so after a few days we started lookin. My Dad eventually found him being walked through the projects by some black dude, so he jumped out the car and told dude to give him his dog back. Guy tried to argue saying he bought the dog blah blah blah, but my Dad just told him to shut the fuck up, took him off the leash, and put him in the car. My Dad is a scary dude, so nothing else was said really

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


i fucked up

i know i came off negligent, there isnt much i can say to justify myself, the pound should have been notified

i cant afford to get tangled in any legal issues

apart from the fact i have no case, they're yuppies that wouldnt hesitate to pick up the phone if i tried to take H back by force

it doesnt make it any better, but he at least went to a seemingly good home

i dont blame any of you for hating me, that wont get my dog back


again, i fucked up:(

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


i know what approximate area H lives in


im devising a plan to "run into" him to talk to the owner about how H is doing (there to listen to H & observe his situation, disregarding most things the owner will say)

if im not satisfied/there are clear signs of trauma after a few occurances of "running into" them, actions will be taken


lets drop this for now, its making me hate myself (as it should) :spin2:

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This is my cat Jumper. I found him as a kitten half starved to death near an old covered bridge in the middle of nowhere two years ago, and I couldn't bear to leave him there so I brought him home. When I first found him he kept jumping up and down to about chest level on me which was impressive. Now he'll jump on command. He's now my friend's cat but I see him when I'm over there.





This is my current cat who I've had since she was a kitten (about 2 weeks longer than jumper). She's a barn cat and completely psychotic to everyone but me. I'm the only person who can safely pet her without getting their hand ripped open. She's my guard cat.





This was my old Himalayan, Putin, being held by a a rapper I was doing video work for. He referred to her as "holy fuck you got mothafuckin garfield in here". She had been shifted around to 3 owners between her original and me. Going in reverse order, her names were Putin, Putz, Precious, and her original certificate name which was Little Miss Billie Joe Precious. She would get pissed if I used the full name on her. Being a Himalayan she was mentally retarded. She could not be taken on my flight/move to Florida because she wasn't in the greatest health so we found an old lady who likes that breed to adopt her. She'll be missed.

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