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Movie Recommendation Thread

H. Lecter

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i just watched red balloon/white mane.

i'm sure the majority of you have seen the red balloon when you were kids in school.


i love that fucking movie.


the white mane is cool as well. same story except substitute horse for the balloon



yeah....red balloon was a dope movie....as a kid i actually had a picture book...where it was just snapshots of the movie into a large pictue-book...with some text.


it sucked when the kids shot is balloon down...but the end was kinda cool....


i think that was a french film right?....or english??.....well european none the less.

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yeah it was french. it may have had english dub when i was a kid though.

because i cant remember having to read the few lines in the film

those bastards trying to steal the balloon. the chase seen was cool in all the little alley ways


i noticed the tape on the ballon only once when hes on the bus and the balloon follows him





ok this is a long shot and im not even sure if this is the correct title.


did any of you see the Electric Grandma in school?

i remember this family went to a place and special ordered eyes hair and voice

then the grandma came in a box from a helicopter or some shit.

she had to leave eventually but i remember liking that one as well.

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found it


The Electric Grandmother (1982) (TV)

written by Ray Bradbury


The Electric Grandmother was the second TV adaptation of Ray Bradbury's I Sing the Body Electric (the first was presented on The Twilight Zone in 1962). Maureen Stapleton plays the title character, a custom-made android purchased by widowed Edward Hermann. "Grandma", a magical creation who can read minds and conjure up meals literally at her fingertips, is supposed to act as surrogate mother to Herrmann's three children; two of the kids accept her immediately, but the third (Tara Kennedy) is hostile. The relationship thaws after Grandma saves the little girl's life. Years later, the grown-up children tearfully bid their Grandma a fond farewell; but the grandmother eventually cares for the children after they themselves have grown old. Paul Benedict costars as cheerfully eccentric robot creator Guido Fantoccini. Adapted for television by Ray Bradbury and Jeffrey Kindley, the 60-minute The Electric Grandmother first aired as an NBC "Project Peacock" special on January 17, 1982. ~ Hal Erickson, All Movie Guide

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Re: RAMBO disembowels a pedafile ! . . .


. . . then kicks him in the face . Fck Yeah!


We saw this movie today.

Good shootem up, arrows though the fckin head em up, stab em up, disintegrate with machine gun fire em up, decapitation via one sniper bullet em up, disembowel with home made bolo knife em up, etc....

anyway, Burma SPDC military dudes got minced! :lol:


Some of the dialog is authentic Bumah and Thai









based on some true sht going on right now against the Karin people.


but a totally fictitious story

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the thing that i like about japanese movies so much is that no way in hell any hollywood exec would give the funds to make stuff that has no care for happy endings or resolutions,

contains, gore, violence, sex, and plot lines that are completley off the wall. plus every work that comes out will push the censors back one step at a time.





i recently watched Red Angel. very similar vein to fire on the plains. a nurse during wwII basically gets raped while caring for the japanese soliders but still takes care of them, helps sexually satisfy a man that loses both his arms, and falls in love with a impotent doctor that is hooked on heroin because all he does is chop soldiers arms and legs off all day. great pace throught the film

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i watched both of these in the last few days and would recommend either one of them


unrated. i never saw the one that has a rating, it may suck.

bloody and twisted about sums it up

another re-make. i hear the original is amazing



this one is aight

pulls on the heart strings

kinda corny at times




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