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Movie Recommendation Thread

H. Lecter

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did anyone see that documentary about the golden gate bridge vs. suicide jumpers?


yeah its pretty intense. the strange thing is that me and my boy were talking about it

as we were walking across the golden gate and a bunch of people were gathered

looking over the side. a few seconds later police rolled up and the coast guard started

fishing out a body of some dude that just jumped. it happens alot.

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yeah a little bit.

he mostly focused on the victims and their families.

a big problem was that he got permission under the pretense of

filming sf monuments. alot of the parents of victims were quite pissed.

it brings up a good point about whether its right to film something and

interview people while misleading them about what the documentary is really about.

none the less it was pretty moving.

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i remember when someone said there was a movie called "ken park" coming out. i thought it was about the skater. i haven't seen ken park yet, but i saw bully. bully wasn't bad, but i couldn't help but laugh at it, even though i wasn't supposed to.


am i the only one that thought gummo was a riot? i watched that with a group of people once, and they seriously got pissed at me because i couldn't stop myself from laughing at it. harmony korrine is an overrated hipster junkie.

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The Bridge is very good, save for one thing... film isn't really the medium for it. The movie feels like you're reading a book about jumpers and their families' experiences, scattered with pretty photographs of the bridge and an occasional shot of someone jumping. It really would have worked much better in the literary medium, where you can really flesh these people out.


I also disliked the fact that they save the least interesting jumper's story conclusion for the very end of the film, only because he's got the best suicide money shot.

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the criterion edition


Special Features



* - New, restored high-definition digital transfer, supervised by director Mathieu Kassovitz

* - New English-language audio commentary by Kassovitz

* - Video introduction by Jodie Foster

* - Optional Dolby Digital 5.1 track

* - Ten Years of "La haine," a new documentary that brings together key cast and crew a decade after the film’s landmark release

* - New video featurette on the film’s banlieue setting, including interviews with sociologists Sophie Body-Gendrot, Jeffrey Fagan, and William Kornblum

* - Behind-the-scenes footage shot during the film’s production

* - Deleted and extended scenes, each featuring a new video afterword by Kassovitz

* - Stills gallery of behind-the-scenes photos

* - Theatrical trailers

* - New and improved English subtitle translation

* - PLUS: A new essay by film scholar Ginette Vincendeau and an appreciation by acclaimed filmmaker Costa-Gavras

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