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Movie Recommendation Thread

H. Lecter

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We watched this last night.

And I was pleasantly suprised.

I usually don't like Paul Walker.

I can't actually think of a movie I have ever seen him in, but I know he looks like someone I would not typically like.

He was good in this movie though.


The box claimed it "has more action than Kill Bill"

Now, I have never seen Kill Bill, but I can say, the box sure didn't lie.

There was alot of blood splatter and plot twists and turns.

I was on the edge of my seat.

Not really.

But if I were a movie critic, I would say that I was.

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my girl copped BORN INTO BROTHELS, and im watching that tonight.





i loved this. these kids took some great photos,

i felt so sad for these kids.

life sucks pretty bad for people out there and makes me regret ever being frustrated with my own life.

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^ hahah


I like both of them either way




Ikiru was fished out and sat through in part because of the recommendations early on in this thread!





Newer Japanese films are a bit hurt in comparison.. but there are still some gems~

I saw this movie DOLLS recently..

-Takeshi Kitano 2002


Can't even describe it, but it's serious

it turns out that it's unlike his other films but it's a gem in my opinion none-the-less~

80's had some good japanese movies~ names have slipped since the days of those re-runs though

I have faith in the Japanese mind,

a wave will come~



the second time i went to watch dolls, i snapped the dvd in half trying to get it out of the case.

i was so pissed i considered writing an angry letter to the distributor

fuck (i think this is the second time im posting about this, too)



(based on a haruki marukami short story)



and im sure its been mentioned but im watching it now__



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Man, I only downloaded the movie. Might have to get the rest from somewhere. One of the downsides of Australia is we get movies wayyy too late. I really wanted to see this, and it is up to the bit where he has just fought the big guy who was in Fearless.


That was a good movie I watched the other night. I can recommend that also.

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