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Movie Recommendation Thread

H. Lecter

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You know what,

with your pompousness, cynicism and sarcasm,

I think you just might be the coolest person in this entire forum...



And if you did have a nickel for everytime La Haine was mentioned here,

you'd probally have enough to buy a pack of gum

to keep your mouth busy when you've nothing good to say..



de tout facon, un film louable est un film louable~

sans se soucier de combien fois on a vu le film..





I've got to catch up on those Australian recommendations~

Blue Murder looks like it'll be first to be taken from the library~

& Quiet Earth sounds bugged~

It seems like one of those dream corrupters you can't get out of your head






I'm confused. What I'm saying is that when I watched the movie when it was released on video in the states, no one else I knew had heard of it or was interested in it. What I'm saying is that I would have liked to have had someone to talk to about the film at that time. What I'm saying is that it's mentioned a LOT on this forum, unlike when I watched it in the not-internet world, when I was in high school. How is this pompous? Plus, you then take positive note of one of my recommendations, so really, how do you feel about my taste in cinema?

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I thought this movie was great. I just watched it last night/this morning.


ok...if you watched this....im assuming you watched it on the "free movies" section on cable......

well under that same section they are showing this movie....




this is a pretty good documentary....everyone should watch it.

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ok ok ok......now ive seen a LOT of scary movies and horror films....pretty much 90% of all the horror films that have come out for the past 6 years..I almost never get scared or freaked out...most of these movies (like "house of wax") end up being really cheesy and corny horror films....but last night i went and saw this in the theatres...




..i'll admit it....i was freaked the fuck out...this was a pretty good scary movie....i usually NEVER give scary movies props but this shit deserves its props....see it ya'll..its a good one.

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unless you have issues with the Japanese.

and/or rock and roll.

or zombies.


there is the added bonus of a drinking game on the DVD.

if you are into drinking.

and being totally badical,broseph.



dude lol

this movie was mad homo

it is funny tho

i recommend stacy

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I'm confused. What I'm saying is that when I watched the movie when it was released on video in the states, no one else I knew had heard of it or was interested in it. What I'm saying is that I would have liked to have had someone to talk to about the film at that time. What I'm saying is that it's mentioned a LOT on this forum, unlike when I watched it in the not-internet world, when I was in high school. How is this pompous? Plus, you then take positive note of one of my recommendations, so really, how do you feel about my taste in cinema?



I was'nt criticizing your taste in cinema at all..

And I'm sorry for my short reaction to the misunderstanding

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The only place I could find "Blue Murder" is amazon for $31USD~

so unfortunately it's going to have to wait until I've got some

spare cash for an amazon order~ I've got quite the wish lish building~

anyway, I'll post about it when it comes around for sure~



I've been on this Japanese Director "Ozu" lately~

Amazing shots, and amazing content~

It does take some 1st hand understanding of Japanese culture,

particularly emotional expression and family structure, to completely appreciate his films,

but they're pioneers, true classics and masterpieces in so many senses..



Tokyo Monogatari


Tokyo Story (USA Criterion title)





this is the best of his I've seen~

and is now one of my personal favourites~

Tells the tale and residually, the lesson, of a family split

by the offsprings leaving their home town to the big cities ;

and the costs, expectations and light benefits of it and the uncertain future..

made about 7 years after the end of WWII~ and proves itself to be

a fine mirror of the more elemental shifts of the time..

Quinessential shot : a boat leaving the town harbour as a a lone family member looks on

Quinessential quote: "You can't serve your parents from beyond the grave"




La Grande Illusion




Not enough can said about this film~

With tons of double meanings and underlying statements sewn into nearly every scene

and the remarkable timing of the story and subsequently the film itself (1937)

It's a groundbreaker and a masterpiece~

One of , if the first prison break movies~

and definately a huge influence for later classics (ie: "The Great Escape" another must-see)

Amazing portrail of sociology during conflict,

the costs of war and the loving ties that it brings even across "enemy" lines..

A time long gone of honour amongst ranks and "gentlemans war"..

Askes the questions of why each individual solider fights and what has precedence to them,

comradery amongst like-minded people or comradery amongst uniform..

This movie made me think and feel in a big way~


"The Grande Illusion" is the directors synonym for War..

A true product of its period , yet valuable and relevant to any given time..


Quintessential quote: " Frontiers are an invention of men. Nature doesn't care"

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