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Movie Recommendation Thread

H. Lecter

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^ saw that three burials last night. it was pretty cool.


i also just finished worlds fastest indian. i loved it. anthony hopkins plays a kiwi that rides his old as 1000cc motorcycle 210 mph. one of those life movies that shows that to get anything out of life you need to persevere regardless.

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also i watched a few documentaries, one about noam chomsky which was pretty good if youre into what he has to say. and another one called the corporation which was kinda slow at times but very informative. both ripped from torrent spy.

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I'd been dying to see this ever since I saw the trailer cause it looked like the coolest fucking thing on earth. But it was impossible to get my hands on it, and in the meantime I start to hear about how disappointing and downright terrible it was and how it was (supposedly) nominated for a Worst Movie of the Year in Japan.


The movie is chock-full of hamfisted melodrama, runs at a languid pace, has a cardboard plot that serves the overall themes of the movie and not the other way around, and the action isn't as plentiful as the trailer would like you to believe.


And yet I still fucking loved every second of it. It seriously took me back to a time where I was too young to be cynical about movies and where I just let myself be wrapped in the magic of it all. It's nuts, considering how I mostly agree with the criticism that has been leveled at the movie, but it was so magical and naive I couldn't help but love it.

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