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The Skateboard Thread


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My favorite parts of all-time :


Jeff Phillips - " Speed Freaks " 1989


Jason Jessee - " Streets On Fire " 1989


Matt Hensley - " Shackle Me Not " 1988



Eric Dressen - " The Troops Of Tomorrow " 1991


Rodney Mullen - " Rubbish Heap " 1989


John Cardiel - " Anti Hero " 1998


Guy Mariano - " Video Days " 1991


Creature Team " Heshers On The Run " 1996


Max Schaaf - " Non Fiction " 1997


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the heshers on the run? ya that was sweet. when was creature started anyway? i didnt realize they were that old.


anyone here ever change out bushings? been riding the independent wides buty am considering switching in the Venture bushings.. but i might just have to break them in, they were sitting around for a while.

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word, i'll give em a try.


went skating here twice in the past week, its a hike but its worth it every so often.. ate shit at least 5 solid times.. the ground here shows no mercy at all.. its like sandpaper mixed with sawblades.. last time i was there though some kid did a nollie front tail on that ledge on top of that ramp in the middle in the far back.. it was awesome. one of my buddies did a 540 out of one of the quarters to flat, that was sweet too.







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Creature was created in 1995 , I remember well , because I graduated from High School that year . And then Creature went defunct and Navs was on 151 with Eric Dressen , Neil Heddings , Sam Hitz & Randy Colvin . I loved 151's " Too Loud For The Crowd " is one of my all-time favorites .




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Ive been seeing pictures of that spot for years, and I always figured it was too perfect to not have been built for skating. Is it? If not, thats got to be the most perfect unintentional skate structure ever built.



Not even buillt fpr skating. just some structure in Montreal. They were gonna tear it down and a bunch of skaters petitioned for it to remain and the spot was granted the title of national monument and cant be destroyed. There's also a book about it called Pipe Fiends. I aint been there in ages but it pretty gnarly to skate. The kinda spot that pretty much only the locals who've been skating it for years can really get loose with

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that's one of the scariest motherfucking bowls i've ever skated in my life. a frontside 5-0 made me feel like i was going to fucking fall and kill myself in the deep end. GODDAMN. the ramp at orchid is pretty nice, too (down the street, no less).


p.s. you son of a bitch, now i want to go to NH, get beer and fireworks and skate that motherfucker.

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that thrasher video was sweet, theres a few spots in that video that arent around anymore.


in regards to the park, i've been saying someone who was in on all the plans or whatever should try and get a hold of the larger donaters and have them see whats up with it, i'd be real fuckin bullshit if i dropped 75+ thousand on a park almost a decade ago and it wasnt built. shit they could even go to a news station, theres gotta be one that would eat that story up.


maybe not though.


channel 7 news had a report on it, essentially the lady that's somewhat in charge of it. was saying something to the effect of "skaters have learned to be patient" which i think is total horse shit. Most skaters that started on this project probably can't even skate any god damn more after 10+ years of waiting. On top of that, they don't technically own the land, AND they have no 'operating procedure' or whatever the fuck it is, which essentially means dick. what's the operating procedure for hyde park? there is none! the goddamn place is a hazard, and they'll sooner buff whiteout tags on any/all obscure rails next to the ramps rather than fix a ramp that'll crack someone's skull open. long story short, this park isn't gonna be built anytime within the next decade, which is a serious-ass shame, because this park is most of the reason why i moved to boston in the first place. assholes.

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haha.. ya i honestly dont expect that place to be built in my lifetime. but hopefully it does. if that location is bust a good possible spot could be that HUGE vacant lot in allston where there used to be a couple ledges and shit.


havent checked out orchard since they moved but thats awesome they have a ramp there.


edit: anyone see the xgames setup? shit looks pretty fuckin fun.

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