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  1. i find this hilarious VVVV http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_luxzs743nI1qhe3c5o1_1280.png?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ6IHWSU3BX3X7X3Q&Expires=1325758893&Signature=O7W4OJdIhi9mOpjKgMWhu84Izew%3D
  2. Seems pretty awkward saying things like that, when the only time i see you up is on bins in alleyways in the city, and no-one has seen a piece from you in years, fucking hypocrite.
  3. fuck yeah roseanne rules, i love coming home blazed and zonking out to it...
  4. come on guy, the redrums are everywhere, stop whinging about the odd one thats not as good as the rest.
  5. yo EatsRainbows ya big 'orse dud.
  6. are you serious that pawk fucking sucks. the pun is insane though, as is the sober
  7. Bump the absolute fuck out of ECK. Definitely raised the bar of Perth's standards a few years back, sadly it has dropped back down though...
  8. A nice jest and swupe to end the shit talking^
  9. Can we have more shit like Sawds, and less shit like Ferat?
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