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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


sometimes i wake up late and get there by mid 1st period....

but alot of those they marked when i wasnt tardy...

but when im in the office they dont care what i have to say

unless i call my administrator a faggot again...

35 aint bad though...

last year i had like 47...


thats nothing i ditched like 80 something days my Junior year.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


Funny Shit:

Well, I debated all day whether I should share with what happened to me last night, so since I can't tell my family i'll tell you internet strangers my story.


Ok it was my cheat day on a bulking diet, so I put away about 8000 calories including a lot of alcohol last night. Im at the usual weekend parties and i've been talking to this girl for the majority of the night. She's 17, so still a little on the immature side, but im only 19 so its all good.


Anyway i've talked to this girl a few times before, and to make a long story short I ended up going back with her to her room. About another 8 shots later, we end up fooling around on her bed, didnt bang her, but did pretty much everything else.


So about 10min's into her giving me head, I had to drop the fattest shit in my life. All my meals were followed by 3tsp of metamucil so I could get lots of fiber in me to combat the carbs a little. Anyway im holdin my #2 in and finally it goes away. We both end up passing out on her bed, she's butt naked and im in my boxers.


I must have passed out about 10min after she did around 3am. I wake up at about 8am to piss and I find myself covered in shit. Im thinking WTF, and what happened was I shit myself when I was sleeping. It was all over the bed, sheets,etc.... Im freakin out so I did the most horrible thing in the world.


She's sleeping with her back towards me, so I take my boxers off, scoop up some shit and gently smear it on the inside of her butt, her lower back, and a little on the back of ther hammies. I get dressed and leave LOL This poor girl is gonna think she did it. I didnt know what else to do though. Anyway, im really gonna have to avoid her and I have no clue what im gonna do when I end up running into her.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


A related story


One time i was hitting this girls shit doggystyle


Not in the butt mind you


Just had her bent over




Anyways im hitting her shit


And i keep smelling shit


And i look down and their aint no shit


Her ass just hella reeked


I gagged


It was gross

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