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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


should i question those guys credibility? seems like they are not dentists. either way, im gonna wait a while to use the strips again.



probably not dentists....but i dunno....id read up on it more...just in case...

im sure using it a few times is cool....but overdoing it could be bad.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


SO instead of making a thread about this

i just realized

even tho graffiti started in what the early 70s late 60's it only took what

30 yrs


and wow

graffiti is all grown up


im so proud of myself im not even 30 yet. nor have i been doing it for more than 15 yrs but still


i just realized this

that is all fuck all of you goodnight

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


zztop was a helluh funny band. 2 guys with beards and that other faggot who cant grow a beard cuz he got cancer. but not even cool lung cancer from smoking, he got it from the fucking sun.


keep a stiff upper lip booty



the irony is that the one without a beard's last name is beard.


he must hate himself.


it's ok though, i love zz top.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


Just finished the first shift at the new job.

Fuck that place is busy!

There were some hot drunk club sluts, but the place was pretty decent.

I also get free drinks after my shift, but after sitting on my ass for so long, after 6 straight hours running up and down stairs it has taken its toll. Now I need to relax and take it easy.

Plus as tomorrow is gonna be hella busy, I thought best to not drink too many.

Also I didn't know that a certificate I obtained last year enables me to do any job in the place (even run it). I better not stay as the fucking slave (like I am now) for long, especially when I am more qualified than 99% of the others working there.

Actually come to think of it, the boss said he was a uni dropout, so essentially I am the most qualified person there, ahaha. Shit.....

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