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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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trader joes has these cookies called something like zebras? but anyway theyre like chocolate cream oreos. shit is ridiculus.



damn the man, casek. if its good enough for jared, its good enough for you. pastrami on white, what? i dont go there that often but id like to try their cheesy bread.

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Somebody I was seeing called me a "fucking heartless bitch" today.


I ran into a guy I've been lusty over for a long time. I couldn't stop thinking about him after I saw him. I felt so anxious and happy around him. A few days later, he expressed his interest in me, and it became an unstoppable force.


My feelings for the person I was orginally seeing diminished INSTANTLY. I found myself acting different, so I broke it off. He was shocked and confused, and demanded a reason... so I fessed up. He told me he loved me for the first time while I was saying my final good bye, hoping to anchor me in some way. Now he hates my guts.


It's unbelievable how quickly I had a change of heart, after months of bonding and trying to build a relationship. I never had any intention to hurt him, but I had to follow what I was feeling inside. I've been severely punished for infidelity in a previous relationship, so I wasn't too apologetic. Now I'd rather have somebody hate me, rather than trying to be "nice" by listening to what a piece of shit they think I am.

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moogle, set me up with 'advent children' i know you got a copy.



rental: me an jared were hangin out the other day, dude lokos over at me and gets this insane ferrel pig look in his eyes....now, i know sometimes formerly fat folks get cravings, but i'm not subway sammich. i said, 'look, nukka, back the fuck up off me'


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nope.. havnt got it.. advent is missing in action till a possible september/ october download.. but i'll keep my eye open..


i do have the last dragon on avi though..


who's the baddest.......shogunn!!






i also heard there is a lego store located in chicago?


can i buy bulk?

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Originally posted by Orgasm Addict@Aug 5 2005, 10:49 AM

Showing your tits was so 3 years ago...


It's not if it still gets the job done.


And I do believe that Archway Dutch Cocoa cookies may have what it takes to reign supreme even over the infamous Chocolate Creme Oreos.


My skinny ass is interested in these mystery Zebra cookies rental speaks of though. Haven't heard of them until now.

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I cant sleep I cant sleep. I am so tired. and there are vibrating spiders in my room. I swear to god, vibrating spiders.


check it out




"When the spider is threatened by a touch to the web or when too large a prey hits the web, the spider becomes invisible by vibrating rapidly and becoming blurred, and for this reason have sometimes been called "vibrating spiders".


we live on the same planet as vibrating spiders. its not ok....

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that picutre^^^ reminds me of my battle earlier......

i went into my basement to look for something around 930ish in the morning when i sumpled apoun a spider nest or house what ever its called so i throw something at it and out rushed about 20 spiders and a bundle of eggs so i rain to my post to collest ammo and prepare for the war of the worlds.. i gathered up a gaint can of zep 40 spray cleaner,raid to kill ants,a bottle of rubbing alcohol,and a lighter....so i creeped up on the bastards like a surprize pillow fight attack in the early moring and sprung spraying left and right and pouring alcohol everywhere i back up and light it and pooffff i let there whole base on fire check point complete i steped back viewing to see two tring to get away and go to higher growns so i rain through the fire like a mad man and drop kicked them and to quickly sum the story up the put the dead bodies of the parents on tooth picks and left them by the nesting area and eat the babies

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barret with cornrows though ..man i'm tellin ya doood'





on a side note... i hate this city... all these hot ass jailbait girls runnin around lookin all fine and shit...she was all " i'm 22" as she bats her eyes all cute-like.. until my cousin who is 15 points out that the girl is only 16...swear to bob the girl looked at LEAST 19-23..


another brat days come and gone.... silence the freak.. yup

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Originally posted by MOOGLE?@Aug 7 2005, 12:59 AM

on a side note... i hate this city... all these hot ass jailbait girls runnin around lookin all fine and shit...she was all " i'm 22" as she bats her eyes all cute-like.. until my cousin who is 15 points out that the girl is only 16...swear to bob the girl looked at LEAST 19-23..


another brat days come and gone.... silence the freak.. yup


You should be thanking your little cousin for keeping you out of jail. I can't stand lying, horny, gold digging jailbait.


Yesterday, I had a freakin' 15 year old with the body of a 19 year old scoping all over me. Shit made me want to cry.

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