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El Producto

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I am with Rage on this one...this is too fucking stupid to even worry about. No matter how well you think you your friends...you cannot know them all as well as you think. It seems to me like you think all gay people run around with a sign on their foreheads telling the world how gay they are. Sorry kid, but that is so far off from the truth. Your thought process is warped. To not like someone because of them being a dumbass..that is understandable but to not like someone because of them being gay is just fucking stupid. It's not like you are going to be in their room when they are getting it on.....IT DOESN"T HAVE SHIT TO DO WITH YOU! Get over it.

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El Producto:


Let me tell you a story.


The other day I was sitting and chilling in study hall with some guys who happen to be in my study hall. These guys were all on sports teams, pretty normal athletic guys from the suburbs. There was another senior, a couple juniors, a few sophmores, and five or six freshmen.


It was the day before the election, and I was pretty fired up about politics. Someone asked me why I was so against another Bush presidency. I said "Well, where should I start?"


"Just whatever you feel strongly about."


So I started talking about gay marriage and all the ideas around that, and this attractive redheaded freshmen stopped me to ask why I felt so strongly about it. I had decided to be more out in the open about my sexuality, so I told him "Because I'm gay, and when I grow up, I want to get married."


"Dude, no you're not, what about all that girlfriend you have?"


"Yo, we're just friends. We hang out and talk about hot guys."


"You're just kidding, right? I mean, you don't act gay."


"Dude, come on. Not every gay person is a limp-wristed, screaming queen just like all straight men aren't super pumped-up football players. Stereotypes aren't reliable, you never know who's gay and who isn't. "


For all these people knew, I was as straight as they come.


You don't know your friends aren't gay. I might be out of the closet, but I'm not stupid. If I was in a situation where I would be hurt or whatever for being gay, I wouldn't out myself. If all my friends would reject me for being gay I would probably stay in the closet, but luckily my friends were cool about it. If I knew my friends wouldn't be cool with it, I'd stay deep in the closet until I got new friends.


Coming out is really, really fucking scary. I knew I was gay when I was 13 or 14, but I didn't come out to my super-accepting parents (my mom wants to join PFLAG) until January this year. I didn't come out to most of my friends until October, and it's still a scary thing to do.

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Originally posted by LadyNapua@Dec 6 2004, 09:22 PM

Go for it Seeking....some people don't want to open their minds.



wait, so you're saying that in order to truely "open your mind" you must just say that you accept homosexuals??


i dont consider myself to be some perfect guy, but i think im open minded about a lot of things...i have listened to what nekro and rage have said in here, so at least i was willing to here what they had to say (which is why i asked the question in the other thread)


just because i feel this way about gay people, don't say that kind of thing cos its simply not true

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i really do know that not all gay people are like that..i don't believe in stereotypes...i really don't think that way so sorry if it came across like that.


like i said before, i dont dis-like certain people just because they are gay..i don't look around on 12oz, see your posts and think "ahh, fucking faggot"..as i said, ive known earsnot is gay for a while now, but i dont see his graf and think "faggot, i dont like it"...i think he is one of new yorks best writers (ive never been there though so i couldnt really say for sure)


anyway, the point im trying to make is:


if one of my friends told me he was gay, i honestly don't know what i would do. but i know for a fact that the 3 or 4 REAL friends i have are not gay..i know this for a fact..


maybe i am being narrow-minded or whatever on this subject but its just the way i think..maybe in a few years i will realise i was stupid (chances are that i will).


if you want to close this thread then go ahead..i'm not really bothered to be honest

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Originally posted by El Producto@Dec 6 2004, 08:26 PM

just because i feel this way about gay people, don't say that kind of thing cos its simply not true


SURE IT DOES. if you were open minded, you

would realize, it has nothing to do with you, harms you in

no way, does not threaten who you are, and realize its

a non-issue. it might seem like a big deal at your age, but

that should change. im not the most open minded person,

but at least i know im at fault when i initially dislike someone

for who they are. fortunately im able to be cool with anyone

thats cool to me.

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el producto,

for what it's worth, i don't think you're close minded, just young and inexperienced. i have every bit of confidence that eventually you'll look back on this conversation and feel foolish for alot of the things you said. it's called growing up and it happens to all of us. most kids your age wouldnt even be in this conversation, so the fact that you are, even if you didn't intend for things to go this way, says a lot about you. now stop arguing, stop trying to clarify your position, and get on with life.


everyon else, please be a little more understanding of kids in his position. it's not always that people dont want to listen, or that they arent open minded, it's just that they're not ready to understand yet. give them positive examples and a little patience and eventually they'll come around. no one wants to hate anyone.


ok, time for th dentist.

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el producto...

I wasn't trying to say your friends were gay

all I was trying to get across to you was that you shouldn't be suprised

I mean ... how many people said -Rage- is gay?!?!!?!? when he came out on here... pretty suprising no?


stereotypes are bullshit, don't be judgin them books by the cover

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the types of people i don't generally like, are people who reflect things that i don't like about myself.


i think this is true for most people.


i don't like hipsters. people obsessed with being cool and trendy. but i guess part of it's because i feel a little insecure about my own little efforts at being cool.


i don't like cocky arrogant people. but maybe i really feel a little superior in some ways to people around me although i would never act that way.


i don't like people who jump on bandwagons. but hey, we've all done it at some point. everybody got into something cool because they saw their older brother or some other dude you looked up to doing it.




hmmm... makes you think about why you might feel uncomfortable around gay guys, huh?

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