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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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what, you don't like my angry muslim themed title you got today?

c'maannnnn. it's a slam dunk. you already look like an a-rab. thats what you're trying to gather all these weakminded droogies for, so you can blow up st peters cathedral in ny, cause you hate our freedom to eat the body of christ.

you're a fuckin wacko man, you're worse than evil!

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Originally posted by seeking

if you make us be aliens, or futuristic women with mad max tits, i'm gonna change your title to something horrendous! and then just to take it a step further, i'll write script that automatically changes the words 'knight bats' into something else....something like 'pinapple humpers' or some shit. and then when you guys try getting all l33t, and pulling some shit like "kn1g4t I3@t$" you'll find out that that turns into something even worse...something like 'crippled hookers'! you have no idea as to the extent of our powers. you're messing with mother nature here homeboy, and mothernature is a son of a bitch!


:lol::lol: fidel castro of 12oz

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Originally posted by iquit

DETO. details muthafucka, details.


well a few friends and myself were out of town, eating dinner at Osaka, Japanese Steak House when 3 random byrds walked in, and one of my boys went to talk to them. they said they were gonna go to ******* (some random club) after they ate. so we stoped by said club, deto starts to converse with "Rachel" and eventually invite her back to our hotel, so we duck out of the club before my boys, they knew where i was going, anyway one thing led to another and the next day when her friends called her to go meet up with them, they were bitching her out about going home with me (or hotel in this case) and what about Ray, and that they were getting married, blah, blah, blah....whatever! and she wasn't some uber old byrd either, she was only 23.


once again, deto/homewrecker oner ^o^

that's how us knightbats roll.</span>

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I've been off my A game for the past few times I went out. I don't know what it is. I think its a combination of going out and getting extremely drunk every single time, and being in a state of flux leading to desperation for some kind of meaningful last hurrah...


For example, last night I'm out and talking to this girl. She was cute. And then she said she went to Stanford. Now in my normal state that would be my que to exit, because I know there is no way that I could convince a woman of the intelligence necessary to go to stanford that she should sleep with me after knowing me 12 minutes. But what do I do, waste half an hour talking to her... Pshhh...


Here, enjoy some graffiti I did when I was bored...



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thanks people.


we had some issue with the contrast, but this is phase 1, so it's all good. i am the thorn in tommy's side and he hates me....haha, but it's all good, i still love him.


not my design, my broski greg bugn blessed me with it.


(yeah i said broski, so what?)

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correct me if im wrong, but arnt you the guy with the unfinished mural of the guy ripping out of your wall. if so, was that the same guy?


on an psuedo-related note, you seem to be in a graphic design type job and im undecided whether i should persue graphic design or fine art. Do you usually have work? Whats the pay like?

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