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Re: who's going to the world courier championships in september?


Originally posted by !@#$%


it's in seattle this year



anyone ever use one of those bike boxes you can buy off an airline at the airport for like $10 ?


!@#$% I doubt I'll be in Seattle...my funds are way too low right now and I've already committed to a couple other trips. I highly recommend shipping your bike out via UPS or FedEx. You can send it to a shop if you don't know anyone out there. Hell of a lot easier than taking it to an airport and carting it around. Plus boxes get the full x-ray now, so theres no lying and calling it something else...figure that in and the $40-$100 fee the airlines charge...and its just not worth it.

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Steve... too bad about the technicals. Sounds like you were in good form too. Next one.


Been racing a lot but nothing really too amazing to report. Been 'Pack Filler' for the most part since I moved up in catagories. Been in a few breaks but they always get pulled back.


I'm considering going to the Championships this year because they're fairly close to home and a lot of good friends will be in town for it. Though I don't look forward to the drunken assholes that overtake these things...

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Originally posted by alkaline

nic sucks, are you some kind of geeky bike mechanic or something. You sound like a big nerd to me ... with your unicycle and purple car. Hahahaha. Just joshin'. Are you ever gonna call me or what? When are you getting down here? Maybe I'll make you a t-shirt for (y)our birthday.



oh you're SO funny. haha You never call me either, so quit your nagging. I'm supposed to be getting airline tickets to come down for (y)our birthday and there abouts, so we can hang out then. I'm NOT gonna bring my bike this time, so I'll need you to re-assemble "Buzz Meeks" before I get there. That's right, you have to give back all my parts (I know you jacked some of 'em) :lol:


t-shirts are good, try to make it on black or dark grey.

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i been riding my bike recently and have had all kinds of fun breaking mulitple traffic laws for hours at a time. riding down the street the wrong way cutting off cars is fun.

its funny cause the street limit here is like 25 for the most part and every body drives like a bumpkin.

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Originally posted by nic sucks

oh you're SO funny. haha You never call me either, so quit your nagging. I'm supposed to be getting airline tickets to come down for (y)our birthday and there abouts, so we can hang out then. I'm NOT gonna bring my bike this time, so I'll need you to re-assemble "Buzz Meeks" before I get there. That's right, you have to give back all my parts (I know you jacked some of 'em) :lol:


t-shirts are good, try to make it on black or dark grey.

parts are all there, i just have to put it back together. i might be getting a new fork, so there may be suspension on it too. as far as the t-shirts, do i ever wear anything other than black or grey these days? i got the entire birthday weekend off, so i'll see you then. maybe you can come paint the bithday wall with me.

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Originally posted by alkaline

parts are all there, i just have to put it back together. i might be getting a new fork, so there may be suspension on it too. as far as the t-shirts, do i ever wear anything other than black or grey these days? i got the entire birthday weekend off, so i'll see you then. maybe you can come paint the bithday wall with me.


No suspension fork, thank you. I spent the weekend in Philly, and saw all kinds of awesome bikes...and you didn't! BWAHAHAHAHA:D See ya soon.

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mi bicicleta.....

1984 pinarello campione d'italia. full shimano 600 gruppo. cinelli stem. 3ttt handlebars. she even has that crazy 3 color fade that doesnt match anything and you either love or hate it. my baby.


my other bike. bianchi brava circa 1985?? fixed gear conversion. ( im actually still working on it ) it will be hot when its finished though.

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if anyone gets the chance and wants to race in an increadibly competitive race go to the fitchburg stage race. it is increadible


well i'll give breaf reports of the race... 4 days of racing.


thursay. 7.8 mile time trail. i felt pretty good i may of been able to go a bit faster but i was pleased with my time 18:35, 31 place after everyone went. i was only a minute 22 off from the leaders. pretty happy, oh there were 125 guys in the cat. 3's


friday. 31.4 mile ciruit race. 3.4 mile loop with one hell of a wall that hurt after goingup it 10 times. on the first lap i crashed me and some dude locked handlebars and we both went down but the bike and i were fine and i just back on and chased like a mad man for a lap and half and got back in the pack. since the G.C. is based on time i just sat in the pack stayed near the front so i didn't crash again and finished with the same time as everyone else, but i moved up 3 spots to 28th in the G.C.


saturday, 70mile road race with a mountain top finish.. it was an 11 mile loop with a nice flat section but tons of climbing i'd say a good 3 mile or so of the loop was heave false flats to steady 8% grade and after the 6 laps we did we branched off and had a 3K or so climb. fairly steep but nothing i havne't seen before in VA

again i just stayed close to the front and saved my energy for the final climb. two guys go off the front and stayed off till we caught them at the base of the climb going inot the final climb i felt really good but i had a shitty place in the pack going into it so i had to fight like hell to get up the front and never really got up there. the climb wasn't long nor hard enough for me i really need something a good 2K longer i still did well i was only a minute and 2 seconds off the leader and finished in 28th spot for the day. but in the over all GC. i moved up to 21 position.. really happy with that


the final day was the crit.. 27 laps .9 mile course with 3 turns long false flat and a fast slight down hill.. for me the goal for today was just to not lose my place in the over all classification so that was i did i just hung in the middle of the pack and tried to stay on. and finished with the same time as everyone else


in the end i was 2:25 off from the leader and sat comfortably in 20th place over all in the GC. i must say for my first stage race i fell in love. i could drop school everything else and just race my bicycle, what a life that would be

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I got hit yesterday!


Well more of a nudge honestly.


So there's 2 lanes, one for parking, and this car is waiting to turn

right on to the street. The driving lane is completely backed up and

no one's moving. So I move over from the parking lane and try to go

around this asshole who's blocking the lane without anywhere to go.

As soon as I'm in front of the car she moves the car forward into my leg.

I'm clipped in so the rear tire spins around untill it hits the streetcar track

and my hip is on her hood. I give her a dirty look then peel away.


Now today I'm riding along the same stretch and I see this gold jaguar

pulll out in front of a biker and hit his back tire. He stays up put runs into

the side of a parked van in front of the jag. He make the motion of

'look where you're going' to the driver and the bitch has the nerve

to take off her guccis and lean out the window to yell 'No you look where

YOU'RE going!!'. I wanted to ride over and get a little justice.


what will happen tomorrow?

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i been having all kinds of fun on my bianchi.

been riding around ten to 15 miles a day.

the city i live in is famous for bikes so its super safe pretty much which means you can fuck with cars easier.

if anybody wants to get together in north cali for a bike ride to look at trains and what not we should do this. the capital city has several lay ups you can view at and some nice riding to be done. and its right off the amtrack capital corridor.

and the river is right there to actually witha nice trail.

hella pubs and what not right around the midtown area which has a layup running through it.



come visit!

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from PinkBike.com


In an effort to appeal to today's youth, the IOC announced today that BMX will be added to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The BMX event will replace two track cycling events, yet to be determined. The UCI will study to find which 2 track events are the least popular before making the decision as to which events will be pulled. IOC president Jacques Rogge called it a "new, spectacular event." "We believe that this introduction will definitely enhance the Olympic program," he said.




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Re: who's going to the world courier championships in september?


Originally posted by !@#$%


it's in seattle this year



anyone ever use one of those bike boxes you can buy off an airline at the airport for like $10 ?


i'm going.... i mean we're going. actually a shit load of us are going. not sure who we are staying with though...but i do know that we will be staying in a safehouse instead of a crazy bike messengers house. we're taking the train there...not sure how long it will take but it's a nice change from flying. i get claustrophobic.

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arghh.. i took off my rear wheel to change the tire, and after i put it back on theres now a whirring sound coming from the rear cog, like kind of a fast clicking sound.. i'm guessing its something to do with how the chain is hitting the cog, but i have no idea how to make it stop. i've tried messing with the chain tension but nothing really makes it better. i know its probably just a small annoyance but its really frustrating cause i can't figure it out and it seems like it just happened out of the blue.. if anyone with a fixie has had this happen and knows whats up please enlighten me..

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