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Tearz - Alkaline... good to see you back. And keep going Tearz, it'll all come back to you pretty quickly. The legs will remember.


Steve... I'm all over the bike to work deal. It's a pretty big deal up here.


Cinnamon... Nice one! Crits are super fast and to finish is a huge accomplishment in my book. If there were some small hill sections I'm sure your final placement would have been different.


Devilush... good to see you back as well! The Cutters will be in town, huh? I'll be sure to stay in doors.


Race report...


Yep, a crit. 45 riders. Fast from the get go. Three guys from the same team decided to take off on the attack right from the start. That forced the whole field to chase immediately. Talk about starting your engine. We caught them about the middle of the second lap and the pace picked up from there due to a bell for the preem points. I thought I was going to hurl from the pace. I knew if it was rough up in the front ten guys where I was... at the back those guys must have been aching!! Coming around to the line for the preem points I sucked this one guys wheel because I knew he would score, from previous races I've raced with him. I stayed there till about the 100meter mark and dude just took off in front of me. All I saw was his back wheel jumping about eight inches to the left and right. I sat up like an ass and got no points because of it... first three across the line got points. Because I sat up I came across fifth or sixth. As soon as the sprint was calming down those same three guys from earlier jumped again! Only four of us had the strength to jump after them and try to chase. We eventually caught them and the pack caught us. I kept thinking... 'When is this shit going to chill out for a few?'. After a couple more laps I overheard two guys making plans to jump. So I got on on of their wheels and stayed there. Sure enough, the one guy whose wheel I wasn't on came plowing past me and said 'Now!' to his friend. When he jumped, I jumped and stayed away with them. It was us three for about a lap before we got caught. Which was good because I didn't think I could go that hard for much longer. The pace finally eased for a few laps and we just kept going round and round the course watching in-experienced riders attack and then get swallowed up. When the pace is close to 30mph... you gotta be strong to stay away on your own. The final lap bell rang as we came around and immediately the attacks came from everywhere. Eventually two guys got off the front but they had no supporting team mates. So I figured we'd be able to catch them easily. But for some reason, all the strong guys were chillin' in the middle of the pack. With half a lap to go I heard many yells from behind to chase. No one would go. I looked for a team mate and quickly realized... I was alone. Did they get dropped? Who knows. I swept out from the pack and hammered it to the front and kept going at a steady 33mph. I was all over the bike. I looked worse than Fernando Escartin at this point. I got the pack within 10 - 15 meters of the attackers and blew up. My legs seized and all I could do was nudge my elbow for the pack to follow through. I sat up and watched as they all whizzed by me. They caught the two attackers and the strong guys took the points for the final sprint. Lesson learned. But I worked hard and that was important too.


I was suppose to race today as well, but it wasn't in the cards. Oh well. Next week.

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man well i guess ihave to say this.... b/c i got lapped i was blacked flagged from the crit... i feel like a loser oh well


devlush it's okay i went to pier 39 and stuff and mear (sp) woods in san fran nice place there


okaythe road race


the course was unbelieveably hard it was a 10 mile loop with a killer 1.5mile climb in there with another 3 mile gradual climb a few miles after it.


well i had another good start going into the race in the top 20 but on the first 45mph down hill my bike for some reason started to shake on me and go all over the place, i really thought i was a goner with 100 riders going down with me. but luckly i grabed the toptube with my legs and held it tight and slowed down but it continued to shake so i move to the left side of the pack and had to slow down to where it stopped... by this time i was dead last on the pack so we go through some other windy roads and i try to make my way back to front but i didn't get too far. as we come to the climb i had to work my way all the way through the pack litrually pushing riders out of the way i made my back up but with the cost of more energy then i would have liked to use the pack split emedially after the climb on the first lap. we come around the start finish and im still with the leaders about 40 in the pack.. but im bairly hanging on. the second time up the climb i fell off the pace and didn't get back one but i wasnt the only one so i road with a group of 15 other riders and we never caught up with the leaders. so i hung with them for the next 3 laps and on the 6th time up the climb i fell off the pace... inew it was going to happen my fitness for races just stops at 65miles i guess i really should of done more longer rides in the preseason. but none the less i just told my self i was going to finish so i road the rest of the race solo... i finished 42nd out of a 100+ field with only about 60 riders finishing. just finishing was good for me... i have a lot of work to do and im not going to be done with school for another 3-4 years so i have some time... but all in all it was great to be a part of it and meet all new people..

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I'm now on a marked team. We got our big man up top. 3rd in the road race, 1st in the uphill time trial and 1st in the crit....all adding up to 1st in the overall gc.


its gonna be interesting next race. we've started practicing some paceline tactics.


I've got a mountain race on Sunday...one of my favorite courses...can't fucking wait.

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so, i rode my bike, pretty druckm to the liqour store to get a 40... i made it all the way there, even checking out the yard on the way... almost wiped out too. well, i got there, and tried to hope a half a curb. dint make it. ended up scraping my face and kunuckle up and fucking up some bitch's car (which i didnt even notice til she told me).


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I got my bike stolen because i left it infront of my house for about 3 weeks, it lasted 2 weeks there. Ive been doing that my whole life, i left my 500 dollar snowboard out for a week and i didnt get stolen, i never worried about that shit. So anyways, my other bike has 2 really slow flats im too lazy to replace the tubes so every time i ride it i have to spend 5 mins pumping up the tires.

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had and up hill timetrail yesterday. about 7miles long about 5.5miles of climbing pretty tough... but i prevailed i legs were really hurting and i thought about dropping out about 2mles in but my club was putting it on so i figured i had to finish... ive done this climb probably 5 time before... with about a mile left in the climb i was saving some of my energy for the last half mle.... but there was no last half mile the finish was before the actually top of the climb. all these times that i have ridden the climb i have gone up another level to the top... well they decided to have the finish before the actual top (if that makes any sense) but the finish came up on me and i wasn't even tired. well all in all i finished 2nd in the cat 3's and had the 5th fastest time of the day.. i beat all the cat. 1's and 2's with a time of 37:02... but i think if i had known where the the finish was i could of taken 30 sec. off my time but oh well the kid who beat me in the 3's had the fastest time of the day with 35:30 okay im done



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All the race reports sound good. Steve... being on a marked team is no fun. Everyone expects your team to pull and to keep the pace. At least they do out here. Though when your top man wins a second and third time... all the hard work pays off.


I had a 22mile Time Trial this weekend. 50% downhill, 25% false flat and 25% uphill. with one steep short climb.


I was part of an event called Pole-Pedal-Paddle. It's a huge race for the Eastern Oregon city and over 3000 people competed. The race starts with a downhill ski to a cross country ski to bike time trial to a short distance run to a short distance kayak to a 250 meter run/ sprint to the finish. I was in the team catagory and did the bike leg of the race, obviously. I was in one of five teams from the same company, who were all competeing against each other because we all knew we'd never be able to compete for a fist in the overall. Anyway, I stood in the bike area waiting for the cross country ski guy on my team to arrive and tag me. It was so cold up there I swear I was going to break. When my team mate showed I hopped on my bike and took off as fast I could. My legs were so frozen that I was pedalling in squares, horribly. I had a good high pace but wasn't comfortable at all. I was passing people like crazy, which boosted my adrenaline. With about a mile into my legs I was starting to warm up and my legs were feeling a bit more comfortable. But breathing in the the freezing air was killing me. I felt like I couldn't get any air in. Trying to drink was a joke. The first downhill section was really steep. I cranked it over as fast I could till I was just spinning. Tucked it and stayed tucked for what seemed like forever. I looked at the speed on my computer and I was doing 57mph. The wind was bowing me to the left and right... I was fucking scared! Eventually the road eased up and I just kept the gears high and the cadence as smooth as possible. All the while just passing people like they were standing still. Man, that felt good. The first climb was a steep one, but short. Comparable to four city blocks. I could see the top and figured I'd keep it in the big ring and just try to power over it. Suprisingly... it worked. I think that's the fastest uphill I've ever done in my life. The road continued on for a long time with more of the same but less steep, up and down. With about five miles to go my body was slowly giving out. I tried to drink again but I just couldn't keep the liquids down. It would get about half way down my thoat and then I would immediately spit it back up. It was really weird. So I just tried to keep a steady pace and hold on to some energy for the finish. As I saw the turn to the final straight away I got out of the saddle, put my hands in the drops, clikced the gears up two and hammered it for the line... which I thought was about 400 meters away. I took the turn really fast and some officials were yelling at me to slow down. (Have you ever heard such a thing?) On the straight, both sides of the street were packed with spectators. So many people clapping and yelling. In my head it was my 'Tour' prologue moment. As tired and dehydrated as I was I gave it everything. As I was coming up to the runners who were waiting for their biker team mates I could see my team mate waving frantically and looking at her watch. I tagged her and she was off. I looked down at my computer and took note : 44minutes-22seconds. That sucks for the course but being my second TT and the conditions... I was pretty happy. I passed a lot of people and had only two people pass me. So that also made me feel good. Our team finshed 12th for the catagory and 1st out of the four other company teams.


Side note... in the individual male catagory, the same guy who's won the last four years in a row won again with a time of 1:48:33. Meaning he did all that shit in that short amount of time. But most amazingly, in the individual junior catagory a boy finished with a time of 1:50:48... Hot shit.

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I don't know if maybe I was overdoing it at the end of last year or not...but it seems like I'm getting faster by sitting on my ass drinking.

I've been lucky to get two rides in a week lately...granted there decent rides.


I had a mountain bike race this past weekend. It was in the series I help promote, so all the normal working my ass off the day and morning before were applicable. Hell, I didn't even think I was gonna be able to race this one. Twenty minutes before it started, we got enough people to help with scoring, so I threw the team kit on and geared up. Keep in mind this is my absolute favorite course and I helped mark it. I started out pretty strong straight from the start. Had a few mechanical issues, but rode pretty smart most of the time. Passed lots and lots of riders in other classes...even lapped a couple of guys. One of my teammates, who I've kinda marked, was always about two hundred yards in front of me. On the last lap, I raised my head up from climbing and noticed him about twenty feet in front of me. Unfortunately it was the last climb and he turned, looked back, saw me and applied the last of the gas. I ended up finishing 5 seconds behind him.


this race really has me amped up. I'm a little more energized now. I even made the commute to work this morning in my normal time. Legs are a bit tight and spent feeling...but not bad. Can't wait for the next one.



I got sixth place by the way. We had one hell of a team showing.

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the only thing I'm doing differently (other than taking a break) is popping those endurolyte caps before the races. hammer also has a race day formula...I'm thinking about trying that stuff out also.


I had forgotten how nice it was to ride to work. I think I just might see how long I can go without driving in. seems to put me in a better mood at work as well.


Joker...I know the guys my teammate, but I plan on burying him by the end of the season. Dood always has an excuse....drives me nuts.


Cinnamon...take a break man. I definitely needed the mental pause.


If you guys haven't already...try those e-caps...I'm gonna start swearing by them. You might be able to get some sample packs from them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

first union race is this weekend. im working and i get to ride in the mavic car. hopefully i can take pictures. should be fun...

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the healing properties of the bicycle


yo today i had an extra fuuucked up day. i was shitted on by life from many different angles. i was just sour all day and it rained and rained and rained until 6 when i got off work.

my ride saved me.

i love riding after it rains. it was foggy, so you feel like you're riding faster than normal. and there's the satisfying hiss of the spray off the back wheel. even though i only clocked 40 miles, i kep the pace at around 20 mph and just pushed the whole way, getting out all of the hurt and shit. i did sprints at the end. i flew over rivers, past cows and goats that saluted me, down hills and now things seem ok and normal again.

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wachovia was fun, wish i woulda got down to the manayunk wall to watch them dudes climb. i tried to get up it once on my fixed and i gave up a quarter of the way up. almost got sick eating all those fucking clif bar/chocolate bar/sports drink shits all day, and then really almost got sick after blowing myself out on that time trial thing. for somebody who rides everyday i wish i woulda done better. anybody know what the prize was for each division?


also, another question for anybody from a shop: why would they only give me a store credit for returning a tire? is it the pain of restocking it, cause it was 27", or what? it was never ridden, and only a week later...

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...oh, and for anybody who's interested im selling my club bike. im looking for 1200/OBO.


older Campagnolo brifters/hoods

TTT stem

Ritchey integrated headset

Campy record hubs/crank/brakes/der.

Kalloy post

58cm Litespeed frame (carbon fiber stays, aluminum main triangle)

Time fork

Cateye remote computer

11 spd. /sachs chain

brand new campy chain rings 54/38

campy BB just repacked

Veloce 28 hole deep dish rims

older Turbo saddle

Conti 700x25s

wheels were just trued

im keeping my pedals






oh, and a top-tupe, duct tape mounted radio.

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Re: the healing properties of the bicycle


Originally posted by TEARZ

yo today i had an extra fuuucked up day. i was shitted on by life from many different angles. i was just sour all day and it rained and rained and rained until 6 when i got off work.

my ride saved me.

i love riding after it rains. it was foggy, so you feel like you're riding faster than normal. and there's the satisfying hiss of the spray off the back wheel. even though i only clocked 40 miles, i kep the pace at around 20 mph and just pushed the whole way, getting out all of the hurt and shit. i did sprints at the end. i flew over rivers, past cows and goats that saluted me, down hills and now things seem ok and normal again.



amen, man. hope shits better today.


I got busted by the only female motorcycle cop in this entire town. Bitch was all business, didn't even let me say a word. Only 14 over, so its a good thing I wasn't going fast. The way she ran to her motorcycle and jumped on it you would have thought I was clockin' 150.

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notice how i haven't been on here? ive been riding fools! holler........





and no mavic car ride. the wait was like 2 hours, so i just sat in their tent and ate food and talked w/ some dude named massimo from italy who built alll the bikes for the navigators squad. i wish i was italian from italy w/ the accent. they say things way cooler

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET

i wish i was italian from italy w/ the accent. they say things way cooler



hmmm....this reminds me of something...maybe a movie....but I just can't put my finger on it. ha-ha.


sucks you didn't get to do the mavic car ride...I was hoping for some bad-ass pics.


I've started riding on a regular basis again. Not as much as last year, but enough to drop 10 pounds. Kinda freaked me out. Didn't realize I could get that low.

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Currently my shocks are broken so i ride with them totally bottomed out all the time because they have an air leak in them. If i shift into first gear the chain goes off the gear. I have to shift 2 gears to make the chain move 1 gear then sometimes it shifts withought me pedaling. But damn I haave so much fun on my bike. I like to go out in the pouring rain and just haul ass and then do crazy ass skids on wet pavement.

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