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wiped the fuck out yesterday.

cooking around the turn through some slick redwood covered roads, and there goes me and the bike.

some nasty road rash and a nice dent in my helmet - among other things.

the bike is cool, only chewed through my bartape, and a bit of 'gnaw' on the shifter and pedal—glad it wasn't on a right-hander.

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Well Joker, quite a tough race today!


I think about 10 people finished the cat 1/2 race. 30 finished the 3's with I think at least 60 starters. I got 26th - which I'm fine with for the reason that 1) I'm not a climber and 2) 2nd cat 3 race. The field wasn't sketchy like Cherry Pie, there weren't any crashes and no accordion effect riding in the middle of the pack. Nearly all of the cat 3 Ironclad men flatted in the first lap somehow, though. Seeing how the whole team missed the roll out on last weekend's race, I'd say they're having a string of bad luck haha. At one point on lap 2, a tractor pulled into the road, stopped and blocked all lanes - and we all had to stop and unclip.


Not surprisingly, the theme of the race was slowly dropping people on every climb. By the last lap the field was whittled down to 25 people and I was chilling in the back. At some point on the last extended climb, I cramped in one leg and just focused on pushing myself with the other leg to get through it. Ran out of water shortly after... and begged for some water off my teammate like a dog in heat. The Gatorade he gave me put a near-instant end to my cramp problem and pretty much made the difference between finishing and not finishing.


By the end, I was barely hanging onto the back by a thread before getting dropped right before the finishing 20% grade. I had a couple stragglers around me, and managed to drop one off my wheel and get another on the uphill sprint (not really, he actually just unclipped and ran it and I said "good job man" as I went by).


All in all, happy to finish the race and not give up, and I've definitely made a lot of progress since last year when I damn near died racing it in the 4/5's (and was dropped from the front in the first 20 minutes, only to TT it on the lonesome for the next 35 miles.). Can't wait for Banana Belt, sprinter's finishes, crit/track season and re-recruiting those crucial fast twitch muscle fibers.

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Sounds like a good race, Rubbish. I heard that was a hard one and not a sprinters race at all. Being that I'm built like a sprinter and ride uphill like a sprinter... there was no reason for me to do it. Sounds like you hung tough and finished which is awesome when you know you're not a strong climber. However, if you finished that race with the pack... you might want to think again about not being a strong climber.


I'm doing Jack Frost today. Not a fan of the TT but it should be a good gauge to see where my wattage is. Drove down to Bend yesterday to pick up the team bikes for the Portland crew and all the sponsor schwag. Was able to go ride while down there for a few hours. I always forget how hard it is to breathe down there when really pushing it. Damn altitude. No wonder those Bend guys ride so strong when they come up to Portland to race.


Did the Twin Bridges ride while I was there. Kept having to stop to take photos... so beautiful down there.



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whats with the bar tape job on that pic up top?




kmart--as with any build project you should look at the cost of conversion/build that are going to meet your standards/needs vs the cost of just buying a light ss bike. i'd looked at doing a conversion for a year or so when i ran across someone else's conversion on craigslist for the cost of what i had in mind for my wheels...


if you're just looking for the fun of a project, and not in a rush or worried about money, go for it. the bikes i've built in my life have been money-pits (relatively speaking) but its been so fun to do.

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Did that TT yesterday. Nice and windy. I did it on a regular road bike though... no TT bike for me. I don't enjoy the race against the clock enough to warrant buying a TT bike. I knew from the word "go" that the ten guys behind me were going to pass me. Everyone was all aero-helmets and TT bikes and skinsuits... all serious and shit. My team mate started three minutes behind me and he finished less than a minute in front of me. He said he did the TT in 33' exactly. So I assume that means I did it in 36'... maybe 35'45". Waiting for the results. Personally... it was super painful. Having to push at close to maximum for that long was grueling. I had to ease up twice for a minute just to keep going. My glutes are killing me today.


I don't even know how long the TT course was. I hope it was more than 10 miles!!

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Fuck, I'll say. I just took one of those types of solo rides that make you question your very existence. I'll be damned if I didn't want to ride into open traffic on I-5 by the end of it. Just under 4 hours of mostly flats in 40 degree weather and raining pretty hard the whole time. Hands chilled to the point of not being able to downshift...

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