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Now they're saying Jan, along with several other nameless riders had detergent powedr in their shorts during testing... would dip their finger into the powder and then wiz into a cup while holding their finger tip in the stream. Hmmmm... sounds desperate enough to me.


I still say quit with the all the bullshit fussing about. They've had plenty of time to find folks guilty or cleared. Do so and let's get on with the sport.

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The progress these guys make is almost impossible. To increase your upper threshold power output by 40-60 watts in one year is extremely questionable. And the reason why the detergent came up is because some guys are pissing 0 traces of EPO, which is naturally produced by the body. SOUNDS. FISHY.


Understandable. But if people are turning up 0 traces of EPO in their urine when they should have at least a little... then let's ban these people. Ban 'em. Don't drag it out like it's an episode of Lost.


And I'm not sure I would be that alarmed by an increase in watts like that on the Pro Tour level. There's a good chance that most riders are taking supplemnts that aren't banned as well as doing specific training to gain just such results. I wouldn't doubt it if such things exist but then again... if they really did I guess all would be using those kind of things. Then again... everyone is different and results could vary.


All I know is I've read several Pro riders interviews on the domestic level who talk about riding in Europe and how different it is. How much faster the the racing is. It just sounds like a whole different beast over there.


I still stand by my initial arguement though... ban the cheaters and let's get ready for the 2007 season.

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The racing in europe is a mind fuck. Over there, just about everybody in the race has the potential to win, which makes it that much faster.


Racing with euro's also sucks because they are raised a lot differantly than us in terms of riding a bike. There is pretty much no regard for the guy behind you; you are responsible for your own front wheel.

The belgians are especially bad. When i've raced with them, they scream "right" when they go left, and "left" when going right. They also think its funny to scream at you in whatever fucking language they speak, and will not hesitate to push you. Canadians are especially bad at this too; one race i did some prick from the canadian national team straight up punched some kid and caused a 80 rider pile up. The UCI barely even fined the guy too, it was really gay. But what im trying to stress is that Americans are actually really really nice and fair compared to other bike racers.

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I've heard that about racing in Europe... that you are responsible for your front wheel. It's a constant battle in my neck of the woods. I absolutely hate it when someone yells "slowing" or "inside". My view is that we're not in a cat 4 race. If you're not paying attention to the ebb and flow of the race and who's around you then you deserve to go down. If you don't know how to squeeze your way through the field then stay where you are or work twice as hard on the outside to get ahead. I often wonder how some folks get upgraded. It seems like the only criteria is the number of races they've done. Which definitely should not be the case. Earn some points!


Started my winter training program a few days ago. It's so hard to ride slow and keep the cadence really high. I feel like I'm warming up for two hours.

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I agree. There is more to bike racing than being strong. Packriding skills in upper level bikeracing is a definite must.


I havent been on my bike in about a month. Ive tried to start running for cylcocross, but really the only thing ive been doing is smoking cigerettes and huka and working on sponsorship proposals. I'm just a little burned out.

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