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The Nonsense thread


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Who's there?

The police. Your entire family was killed in a car wreck.




A man walks into a bar.

He is an alcoholic and is ruining his family.



What did the blind, deaf mute retarded kid get for christmas?





What do you call a Muslim flying an airplane.

A pilot, you racist!



A jew, a black, and a mexican walk into a bar and have a couple drinks. The jew says, I'll get this round. The black insists that he can pick up the round. The mexican says that it's his turn.



Whats green and tastes like white paint?

Green paint.



A black man is going to get a vasectomy. He shows up to the doctor's office wearing a suit. The doctor says "Why are you wearing a suit?" The black man says "I just got back from a funeral"



A priest a nun and a rabbi walk into a bar. Only - the nun and the rabbi weren't really there, and it wasn't really a bar, it was my eighth birthday and the priest was molesting me. Only it wasn't a priest, it was my father. My father molested me on my eighth birthday

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