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Canvas Thread

Harpo Marx

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just went back like 10 pages.....


fuck drips and splatter.




have some originality.





shut up



you know what else is played out?? people acting like graff on canvas isn't original...no you know what isn't original??? paintings of fruit bowls and flowers, or landscapes


kill yaself fool!

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shut up



you know what else is played out?? people acting like graff on canvas isn't original...no you know what isn't original??? paintings of fruit bowls and flowers, or landscapes


kill yaself fool!


you know what. graffiti on canvas is fine. its just that all of you suck at graffiti. you suck at being innovative and you're response shows that you know absolutely nothing about art.



you dont have to kill yourself, just stop posting your garbage.

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shut up



you know what else is played out?? people acting like graff on canvas isn't original...no you know what isn't original??? paintings of fruit bowls and flowers, or landscapes


kill yaself fool!


didnt say anything about graffiti on canvas said drips and splatter are gay.


learn how to read then take some art history classes at the local communty college if they will accept you you ignorant fuck

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i don't know how big that is going to be, anyway, i write enoka, and it's my first attempt at mixed media on canvas, it's heavily influenced by reviser, he's my favorite on here easily. anyway, crits are very welcome as i want to make my next one much cleaner instead of jsut winging it.

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