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Everything posted by mince

  1. Haven't done one of these in a while but hey
  2. is that photoshopped onto that wall?
  3. Re: We're all thinking it... Also for your consideration....
  4. Thats is so fucking disgusting
  5. not technically on a canvas but whateva
  6. Dodsdomd is one of my favorite bands lately for sure, do you know which release it is that starts with the dude talking about hanging people?
  7. havent horfe and nixon painted together?
  8. I bet it was the salvia that was a bad idea.
  9. I involuntarily made a noise when I looked at that pose, wow.
  10. Re: Great Pictures~ The future is HERE!
  11. I'm for sure in on the monster battle.
  12. Thanks, Yearz and Speak, wanna do some exchanges?
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