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Everything posted by mince

  1. They only buffed the TIE part of his piece? That's horrible. Edit: The saber piece a few posts up
  2. mince


    It's kind of in poor form to diss someone with your own sketch and follow it with an "ehh"
  3. This reminds me of the Particle Collider thread from a while back before the particle collider killed everyone.
  4. A whole bunch of stuff from my friends book
  5. I'm gonna see how the vacines go for everyone first. On a side note I went to the RMV AND Home depot today...
  6. I'm more concerned about getting hit by cars.
  7. ive been snaked out of a battle! haha i signed off but never went to sleep how about a 3 way...nohetero/homo
  8. anybody feel like a quick 1 on 1
  9. take away the arrows and it would look a little better, good letters tho
  10. edit* enig, from the last year or so of seeing to not progress very well, i think its fair to say you need to put more time into your work, graffit and canvas, if you dont have the natural ability to produce serious work, then spend more time on it. and ive seen your other work and i know that april fools or not you need to be puting in more heart
  11. a little thing i doodled up
  12. i think i got the idea, any one down
  13. i figured those had no potential
  14. that omens is fresh as hell
  15. fuck yeah good eats is the shit, and the other show that guy does
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