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Guest WebsterUno

I attract flies, does that count?

Im a westcoast ruffneck.

Grimey, ugly, and I aint looking for a date.

Girls like me cuzz I draw, and thats it.

I dress nice on occasion (clubbing)

and I wear fucked up gear when writing.

…nuff said.

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The real question is does anybody actually give a shit what i look like? If someone can give me a logical reason why you wanna know what i look like then i'll post. Or when i get bored later today or tomorrow chances are i'll end up posting.

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Merodogs stay dipped in fresh wears, occasionally bummy, unshaven, hair out...when I feel like it...but boy, when I shave up and braid the lox, aint a nigga fuckin wit me crispiness-wise...Plus I make girls laugh and they're always feelin the funny dude. I'm always searchin for wifey but I throw down with interim chickenheads in the meantime. When I'm pretty up I dress like Memphis Bleek, When I'm bummy I dress like Method Man, sweats and tshirts...My braids are either perfect or nonexistent, none of this ODB nappy braid phenomenon. I never like to say I'm physically attractive, and I'm genuinely shocked when girls tell me I'm attractive...shit, I might take my roaming ass to Cali to meet all Secrets mami friends. HOLLA!





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Originally posted by drake mallard:

nerdy girls rock...regualr assembly girls are doable but no longer an attraction...i like a girl with some nifty glasses, and dresses weird...skirts are cool..not mini skirts, long ones, and they still manage to be dynamite...


me personally, i'm not that much of looker...i know i'm not ugly. but i know damn well i'm not winning any contests...


and being that i am pilau's twin...that whole shower thing totally applies to me as well...


right out the shower, i can pass as a model...thereafter i am mud.


lets not even get into my personality...

i'm hit or miss...i'll eitheer be ur best freind, or nothing to you. that scares people...

but its scary to me to live life with acquaintences...

i want freinds...not flybys.


and lukily i know what frends are...so theres not much space in my heart for anything else...


i'm mean and ugly...wow i'm not doing to well.

imma go help bob hope with his japanese homework.



i hear ya on those nerdy girls drake....
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Guest cracked ass

I'm too paranoid to give a physical description of myself in the cyber zone. I do have that cold stare thing down, sort of an automatic habit, which passes muster with the men and scares off the ladies. Any time there's a chance of meeting women, all of my intelligence, wit, good stories, poise, etc. fly away like doves and I forget how to relax, so all I have left is the cold stare and silence. And I'm OK looking but those two things don't break the ice, they just make it thicker.

I have mysteriously, magically hit it off with just a few women in my entire life. One was a bridesmaid at my friend's wedding, she lives in Cali and I'll probably never see her again. Another was one of my crew member's gorgeous ex-girlfriends, who for that reason was completely off limits, so ironically it was easy to relax and chat up a storm. A third will never talk to me again because, get this, I DIDN'T take advantage of her drunken state on New Year's. She thought I blew her off because she didn't make the cut, and she moved away before I could convince her otherwise. All of these girls were really attractive on several counts.

So yeah, I have the worst luck...but back to the topic...I'm fit, tall and OK-looking but the personality issues cancel my chances.

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this is the funniest shit. i was looking for single word answers like "stud" or "ugly" and it turned into Vandal Make out Club. haha you geeks. P.s. Im a stud.

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Originally posted by Secret:

I've never found that whole emo look on guys attractive...


A guy that's into fashion, thinner than a model, and has very strict eating habits come off as homosexual to me.


hahahaahahhaahahhahahahaahahhahahaahahahahhhahahhaha.. breath damnit! hahahahahahhaahahahahahahaahahhaahahhahahaahahhahaahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhhahah...

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Guest jarryd

im straight up prep now...

from grade 9-11 i was kinda hip hop, but near the end of 11 i was starting prep, now im full fleged...


im 6'3, probably around 170 now i think? brown hair brown eyes, blah blah


yup yup

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if i shave i look pretty decent. but of course i dont shave until i feel like it...and it takes me 2 to 3 weeks to feel like shaving. im shy...i dont talk unless spoken to. ive always kept to myself. im never smiling unless with my friends, the few i have at least. i dont mind not having tons of friends, in fact people make me nervous. i used to have a terrible case of acne, but its all gone now thanks to a torturous miracle drug called acutane. the treatment involved 3 monthes of dry horrid red skin, and constant nose bleeds, but in the end, 95% of my acne is gone. i wear glasses when im too lazy to put the contacts in, so i basicly always were glasses. the biggest thing with me is that im too shy...i think it comes from being in a military family and always having to move from one place to another. basicly im a lonely person, that doesnt mind being lonely, but at other times does, and i am happiest painting, even though i dont paint enough. fuck it, i need some prozac......

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must agree with the shyness.. i dont have too many friends either.. but.. all of my friends arent aquantences so yeah.. i also dont shave that often..


hm.. im so shy actually.. that when people try to talk to me, and i dont know them.. i just blow up.. and.. tell them to leave me alone.. just.. not as nice.. because i get so uncomfortable its unbearable. damn nice people.. trying to say hello.

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i'm about 4'11 to 5'0 feet. i like to round up the height a bit. i'm a little shorty, and that's the truth. i have black hair, but in the sun it shows speckles of brown and auburn...past shoulder length, straight on good days. and layered a bit. i like to keep my hair down. but today is up in a ponytail. dark brown eyes. straight teeth, my momma's so proud of me...didn't need the braces nor the retainer. saved her money. i'm not gonna describe my breasts. i'm totally petite. light brown skin, i'm a filipino...if anyone cares about race. my boyfriend says that i have nice thighs and a nice ass. but that's my boyfriend, he can say that. but i do have an ass for an asian. and i also have a tat on my tailbone. wear lip gloss, sometimes lipstick. and eyliner everyday. it accentuates my almond shaped eyes. no more make up other than that.

how i dress: usually i don't dress like a writer. i gave up the baggy clothes a long time ago. so right now i wear classy, no patterns. hoop earrings are everyday. my watch is one of those punk rocker thick banded watches made by guess. nails are sometimes done, french manicured done by myself. today i am wearing my white shirt that says d'lush in red letters under a bright red tight hoodie. 3/4 sleeve length. and black pants with boots. i love denim...dark denim. i wear it all the time. i love tank tops. and dresses and also skirts are a big plus for me, with shirts, nothing too flashy. i also wear glasses sometimes. they are the ones with turtoise shell color with the oval frame. i think i look dorky in them, but my boyfrriend prefers them on me, he says that i looks so sexy.

on my down time, or when i bomb, or when i'm out biking, i wear my denim or wind breakers folded up or scrunched up with a tank top and old school shoes.

i think that's it.

all that really matters is that you ride a track bike. http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//biggrin.gif'> i wish my girl would

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i'm the tall skinny character, with strict eating habits, chilling by himself in the corner, guzzling too many damn guinness. i'm usually too drunk to have a conversation so in a way i'm a social invalid. at that point the only thing i have going for me is if girls like skinny guys with tattoos cuz i don't speak in social gatherings.

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haha cmeup..im kinda similar to what you described

6', 165lbs, brown hair buzzed, light blue eyes, tan (florida baby), light blemishing, straight teeth (no braces, but gotta get my wisdoms cut out in aug.), right arm is slightly bigger then left due to a broken radius and ulna in the left playing basketball, shy as all hell, wilin' out when with friends, light physique, flossin in cargo shorts with a tshirt, glasses, computer nerd, i like to ride my dyno air in the street, hates school.

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Originally posted by cmeup:

(kinda jacked http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//biggrin.gif'> HA!), no chest muscles http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//frown.gif'> ... my right arm is enormously huger than my left (from wacking off) i can bench like 400 pounds, 395 on tha right side, and 5 pounds on da left http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//smile.gif'>



400 and no chest muscle why does that not make any sence to me??

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