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Gnes 37

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Gnes 37 last won the day on October 30 2001

Gnes 37 had the most liked content!


2 Neutral
  1. Gnes 37


    been here for 26 years it aint so bad st least we got good winters
  2. wasnt there a news article of a group of squirrels attacking a dog maybe killing it?
  3. done with my quarter life crises
  4. dude, summer time during rush hour in phoenix az, bumper to bumper traffic, no air condition, and 110 plus degrees is enough to make some people pull out the strap and cap a few holes in your car or possibly you,, it happens all the time here
  5. damn you should throw together a fucking video of some sort
  6. i have not stepped in a mall for a long time however picking up someone at the airport during holiday season is no braino
  7. my new year resolution is to not have a new years resolution
  8. thanks for teh catch looks like your phone takes taller than wider pictures maybe turn your phone sideways next time so you can catch more of the piece
  9. Gnes 37


    fuck yeah nice post! nice car too!
  10. this is offa calvin and hobs comicstrip but good none the less
  11. i just say HUH? HUH? and say im hard of hearing and they have to repeat shit like 50 million times then they give up and hang up on me instead.
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