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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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  • 3 weeks later...

Super Tuesday


Nowhere else to post it.

But I thought it was cool, in a nerd status kind of way.

Voted on "Super Tuesday" last week.



So am i the 18th person at that polling place or in all of Los Angeles county?


I shoulda went as soon as they opened since i could stop in during work hours.

I could have had a shot at #1 and beat out all the old farts at the park.


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  • 1 year later...

HOOT, sorry havent been around in awhile guys. almost home from afghanistan, 11 more days. havent had very good access to internet. everyone doing alright and shit? the other day, a flare went off in a storage container that had MawD Guided Missles and other various explosives and ammunition. shit was tits, blew the tops and sides right off the connex. hah. shrapnel flying everywhere, it sounded like incoming rockets. good wake up call.

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Hoots brothers. Fuckin a dude your a short timer now.

Right now I'm chillin waiting to get a haircut surfing the oz.

Been busy working, visiting my nephew, watching the Lake show playoffs.

Haven't really been on here too much since the crash and the hat video ads.

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wow this shit is still on. shit my life has changed a lot since i've been here last. this beautiful girl done broke my heart. soon i was cooking up when i wake up, before i can go to sleep, and every couple hours in between. that shit makes you feel better then you could ever imagine and worse than you could ever imagine. half the time after getting high i'd smoke a bowl too that makes it even better haha. i spent some horrible lonely hours in my shitty little apartment wrapped in coats and blankets, freezing cold and sweating buckets, deathly sick, waiting for the morning to come so i could meet my man. fast forward a few months, my savings is gone, i'm too sick to work my job anymore. i re upped my stash, quit my job, cleaned out my apartment, and went to see some cities i've never seen. shit was mad fun until i used up the last of my shit. now days i'm homeless and my computer time is up.

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Re: NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands


damn quickwood is chasing the dragon.

at first when you said meet your man in the morning i was like :pause /nh then i realized it was your connect.


best of luck with that shit man.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands


yo pizz i keep going on aim and tiny trying to catch you to talk tejas and you're never around...


so fuck you.

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