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Everything posted by ndv

  1. ndv

    is WW3 going on?

    So basically, Iran (the school yard bullie) says, "I am going to punch you in the face. If you attempt to defend yourself or retaliate, I will hit you back twice as hard". https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/iran-issues-fresh-threat-to-u-s/ar-BB1lBv9i Or at least this has been my interpretation with the Iranian leadership for the past couple decades. They shouldn't be underestimated but because they are so childish they are really tough to take seriously at times. Iran's leadership is going get themselves wiped out. What is sad about the Iran's leadership is they continually put their people at risk that want nothing to do with violence. Persian people are really cool and welcoming from my experiences, it's just sad a handful of leaders are about to ruin it for a while and Fox isn't gonna help the cause.
  2. ndv

    Current View

    @nicklesndimes is it lighting or is the paint pearlescent? I think you just found the color I want to paint my volvo
  3. ndv

    Current View

    Ummm... that's entirely your choice, keep in mind vinyl has a chemical composition of chloride so the material gasses out naturally like all rubbers and plastics. The UV rays from the sun accelerate this process not to memtion humindity levels fluctuating e.g. automobile trims and door seals. So basically what will happen overtime is the decal will start to shrink, become brindle and crack causing tension on your top coat (clear coat). If you really wanna go the painted logo route, then a stencil is your method. DM and I can make you a few stencils. I'll download the logos Monday so it will look OEM. Since you already spent the money on the decals, I understand if you wanna use them. But put them on last. Your choice :)
  4. ndv

    Current View

    @nicklesndimes I really like the blue, is that a primer or actual paint?
  5. The profile of the truck ^^ reminds me of Crow T Robot.
  6. It's now, forever, Wangster
  7. I'll try to leave it out. Kenny G?
  8. Yeah, that's the first for me too. Not sure if I have Brian Adams and Wham in my collection but do have Chacago, ABBA and serveral others.
  9. I think that's the same crew at the shooting range 6Pennies posted in the gun thread. 😆 they gangsta
  10. We just had a Marvin Heemeyer -ish type incident. DMV denies a guy of his CDL renewal so ol' dude steals a semi loaded with cage wire and drives it into the same DPS office that denied his CDL. FAFO!
  11. I am with you on this squatting thing, OMB, amd the loopholes involved. Not sure how a homeowner would just stand by and allow that to happen. On another note, years ago out local media covered a story about neighbors getting all Karen on a guy who squatted a nice home the proper way, paid the fees to whatever they entailed, which I believe was the hack taxes and ended up owning the home out right. From what I remeber, he played the system just right the home was foreclosed and whoever owned the foreclosure allowed the taxes to lapse or they company/bank went under. The guy obviously knew what to look for to do it right and it worked out for him.
  12. I haven't, been sleeping on it. Should I start?
  13. https://abc13.com/21-year-old-skier-dies-in-high-risk-stunt-trying-to-jump-over-us-/14646774/
  14. Typos. I can't not type for some reason.
  15. I tried suggesting this the the lady, but I was immediately shut down. I even offered suggestions trying to buy my way in with things like a fish in the mouth of in a specific attack mode, but all eye got was snake eyes rolling the dice.
  16. My girl cremated her last one. Dude is chilling in a urn. Nothing wrong with burial.
  17. I have been looking at mechanicals but I haven't pulled the trigger because I am lost on what is good and isn't. What did you get, any recommendations?
  18. My bad she. Do you give her cat nip? If so does she get a little cranky some time after, like a come down or something? I ask because my girls cat gets all nippy on his come down after hot boxing his cat nip and he nips at us if we reach out to touch him. I give him less now, and he doesn't get all strung out and nip as much if at all. The female, she just chill on the nip.
  19. He just straightup sits like that!? That's awesome! Lol
  20. You nailed the title of the topic on the head @mr.yuck This dynamic pricing is far more than what it sounds. These cellphone prices are ridiculous. The pricing remedied of a conversation I recently had with a supplier about how companies have analytics on our financial demographics. So basically, companies believe the majority of working class should have X amount of disposable income at the end of the month after paying bills and the cost of living so much so. Numbers are already run for an example Company A believes Household X should have $2300.00 in savings, so how can we get that extra money. Company B wants to compete for that 2300.00 as well so company A maybe Samsung and company B may be Farmers insurance. The future looks broke.
  21. This sounds good
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