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Everything posted by ndv

  1. So basically, let's burn 10 milli9n emergency vehicles because later that day or tomorrow one of my Palestinian brothers or sisters here in the states life may be dependant on an emergency. What an idiot. Cut your own throat, or just get people to burn 10million cop cars.
  2. @LUGR what have you been jamming to?
  3. Found it. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6483365/Chinese-worker-cheats-death-skewered-TEN-massive-steel-spikes-factory-accident.html
  4. https://abc13.com/angry-mcdonalds-customer-shots-fired-at-houston-fast-food-restaurant-katy-freeway-shooting-jeffrey-limmer-death/14776269/
  5. But I think that's part of the problem. People are dietary illiterate for one, and the other issues is the fact that poor choice of food options are all that are easily accessible. Meaning big companies make sure to muscle their way onto store shelves. Which again, like you said, it's pro-choice for someone to eat what they shouldn't and it none of my business to get into theor business. (See FOAO thread for a perfect example of getting into someone business). The other issues is taste, the big companies know what additives trigger specific responses. The 2 most common misconceptions what most people excuse themselves of better dietary choice when they truly want to eat better I get is this. "I would love to shop at Wholefoods but they are exspensive." "The food doesn't taste as good". First. It takes some learning to cook with organic foods. Seasoning is key. You know this fist hand Mercer. I've seen the food stuff you posted. And I am sure still too this day sometimes meals don't turn out at planned. Working with raw as in Kosher foods is not going to be easy in the beginning. Second, the cost isn't really any much more than the typical grocer. Although, there are somethings, yes, just cost a bit more. Again, this could be understood better in the illiterate economics thread. The thread topic at hand explains the mass amount of food being processed today is cheaper becuase it the most abundant. If more and more people started eating healthier (organic), they would be able to control their pocket book a little more and grow some of the stuff at home. Corporations and government know the value of convenience and licensing while fines are just another revenue stream. The convenience factor is a huge driving force to poor choices all around, even speaking outside of food.
  6. @LUGR idk man, after reviewing the specs and no paint choice, it's gonna to have to grow on me for a while. Possibly to a point I would give up. I think the cyber truck is like a boat, better to know people who own them.
  7. I thought the same as well. Not a big fan of the muted matte colors. Although, seeing one coming down the street in Lambo green or orange is going to look terrible. But a blue color would probably look best maybe a red shade too.
  8. I think most people believe that when the federal reserve prints money, it must mean our economy overall has grown or doing good. This is why the title of the thread perfectly describes the mass majority. As for numnuts staying that. I believe it is a clip from this documentary on Netflix Or it was thus one If not one of those, then it's some documentary on netflix or somewhere.
  9. Not too far behind been thinking about getting a laptop but haven't pulled the trigger as I am wanting to purchase it off the grid. Only time I use a computer is at work. Other than that I have been using mobile since iPhone 3
  10. I think Elon has already done that, it didn't work as thought from what I remeber.
  11. It's an interesting profile to say the least. I'd like to see what the drag looks like in a wind tunnel.
  12. Don't you mock those Gaza protectors.
  13. Truth in the football. Those Melon heads are nasty. Hated those plastic popsicle at the edges of the mouth.
  14. I don't know if it's even a truck to be honest. When you see the thing up close, one has to wonder there is not a typical bed.
  15. That's pretty solid. "Here are your isms, choose one" IMO seems like this is the easy way not to deal with the problems created. "Pick one and move on". The people who would say this are either too lazy to be part of the work it would require to overhaul the systems current issue(s) or they simply just do not have the intellectual capacity or understand to correct issues. So it's easier to chose one, hoping you will to because they are comfortable in the pig pen. I agree that there has to be some type of governing foundation for multiple reasons but the current people in place of these governing bodies make the entire isms crap.
  16. ndv

    is WW3 going on?

    I like this assessment 👌 this is a smart play offensive on Hamas' behalf. Interesting to see what will play out.
  17. ndv

    is WW3 going on?

    When you're the global top dawg, I think that comes at an expected cost and the cost is everyone looks towards the US for answers since the global economy is run by us.
  18. ndv

    is WW3 going on?

    I don't think it's a good idea. However, I think U.S. involvement in global conflict has something to do with our capitalist systems which at this point operates in the same manner as a ponzi scheme to a certain degree which could arguably be part of the Cantillion Effect Lord Mercer speaks of.
  19. I am pretty sure that edible glitter is made from the same aluminum silica used in mirror manufacturing.
  20. The Renault Family's portfolio may be taking a massive hit with Gucci, but one or a few other brands they own may be seeing sales increases balancing out their spreadsheet. I am pretty sure Gucci will bounce back.
  21. Typical Adam goof movie. Good watch! Not sure if Matt was trying to help boost other's careers, saw mad money to be made in China, or just chose a bad movie - storyline was meh. Currently watching this one and so far it's good. Next on this list.
  22. https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyle-buzz/the-fall-of-gucci-was-inevitable/ar-AA1o59IY
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