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Everything posted by ndv

  1. ndv

    is WW3 going on?

    @abrasivesaint I don't believe you
  2. But this 12oz, there's always gonna be a cart or two that comes off the track as the convo circulates around the coaster.
  3. ndv


    @misteraven gopher or Prarie dog?
  4. If I would have known, I would have purchased the home. So my neighbor moved in a little less than a year ago, wanted to move back to his neck of the woods so bad, he slashes the home 100k just to sell it fast. It sold in less than a couple of weeks.
  5. ...I guess that would depend on who you told this to, it would be in their court to be offended or not
  6. Naw, not me. A commercial came on that was about downs and the baby looked like her mom. No trying to be crude. You could just see some of mom's features in the kid through the downs. Then that random thought came across my mind if it would be offensive if one where to say, "she looks like you", by no means of intending to be offensive. /prodowns™
  7. If you were to come across a downs baby while out and about and they looked like one of the parents. Do you you say the baby 'looks more like you' or do you just keep your mouth shut?
  8. Agreed. But if the doc I posted is correct, then all of the Q stuff and everything that transpired after that, it all started because the media didn't want to cover a story. That's wild!
  9. What they do to your land and crops it is actually horrible and costly. On the other hand most ranchers and farmers are against stuff like that because most people can't shoot for obvious reasons @6Pennies mentioned. The issue with the farmers and ranchers have is that most people miss and scatter the wild hogs on to other land which just keep tearing up their crops and such. I think those guys there in the video are clearing for reason opposed to for fun. There is a lot of this in Texas a lot of farmers and ranchers will pay for people who can actually shoot to come in and clear their land. @Fist 666
  10. Yo @nicklesndimes did you getthe opportunity to see the Totality? Got pics?
  11. Yo @One Man Banned are you in the path of totality? You have clear skies today?
  12. Went from SS Commander to retired Excutive of a fortune 500 company.
  13. So did the gator's tail whip around and knock him out?
  14. Late on this but I am gonna start the year off right and give dynamic pricing structure a try. Increasing my prices a few hundred bucks then gonna put up a 60% off sign in the window.
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